Chapter 5

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It was December 31st,1988. Luciana and Michael hadn't spoke to each other since their phone call back in November. She then felt she had to snap into reality, thinking he'd soon forget about her. She hadn't mentioned she and Michael's further contact with each other to Dalani, and she wasn't planning on doing it point blank period. It wasn't her business, and enough of Michael's business was already spread through social media. She knew what a busy man Michael was, so she wasn't expecting a phone call or any further contact from him. All she had was small memories that she could hold on to.

The kids were with their 'Nana' as they called her for the holiday, and they'd stay there until New Year's Day. Her father still hadn't showed since November. Luciana was worried about her father, but she thought if he was hurt, or even dead at the worst, the police would've contacted their family. As much as she wanted to contact her father, she didn't even know how she could. She hadn't spoken to her father much and if he had a phone or not, she had no information whatsoever.

A car pulled up at their house at about 3:00 in the afternoon. Luciana didn't recognize the vehicle, but she recognized the man stepping out of it. It was her father,looking more stable than he usually was. He opened the door  to their house and Luciana was standing there with her arms folded.

"Where the hell have you been? You know I thought you were dead,right?  The least you could do is call your own freaking house letting us know you're okay. I know you don't care for me, but I have the right to know where my own father is!"

"Luciana,calm down." he said in the calmest way he possibly could. Luciana was completely puzzled. She was expecting to get yelled at or to have been hit by him or whatever weapon he could use. She didn't want that to happen, but it was what she was used to.

"Is..everything okay? You seem, I don't know. Like, different."

"Could you call your brother in here please? I need to talk to you two about something, and it's important. Please don't fight me on this." Luciana narrowed one of her eyes at him. Without saying a word she ran to get her brother Julio.

"Julio, Pa's home. He wants to talk to us about something. He's acting pretty odd."

"Where has he been? And odd how?"

"Just come on, he says it's important." She said motioning her hand for him to come quickly. The both walked into the living room where their father was sitting with his hands folded on his lap. They were both confused about what was going on, but the were seeing a change in him, and they were eager to know what was up.

"Have a seat." He said patting two chairs in front of him for them to sit. They sat down and waited on his next words. He took a sigh and began to speak again. "I know you guys have been wondering where I was, and I'd like to start off by apologizing. I didn't mean to keep you worried. I lied and told you I was seeing a friend, but I decided to go someplace with better benefits for myself. I've been to the Rehabilitation Center in Chicago, and I'm planning on going back." Luciana covered her mouth and began to cry. This is one thing she'd always wished for, and she didn't even have to convince him to make a move. Both she and Julio were at a complete state of shock.

"Papa..that's amazing. This is something I've always wanted for you. What caused you to take such a big step out of the blue?" Julio asked.

"I don't know. I guess-well should I say I know I need to get my life together and back on track. I owe a lot of apologies to you all. Dalani as well. I've been a horrible father to you all, and I know a simple 'sorry' won't be able to patch up all the open holes. But still, I hope you find it in your hearts to consider forgiving me, and I want to play a better father role in you all's lives. Hopefully wounds will heal overtime. Maybe I could even convince your mother into trying to take this step with me..I love her. We've become almost like strangers.."

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