Chapter 15

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Luciana froze in shock. Being face to face with Eric again took her back down a lane that she did not want to remember. She became inarticulate, and didn't know what to say. Eric smiled, glaring at her as he began to speak again."Wow, it's been a while, hasn't it?" Luciana didn't hesitate to stand up. Fury ran through her veins as her words were thought out clearly. "No, no, no. This cannot be happening." She tried to walk away, but Eric held a firm grip on her arm which pulled her back. "What is your problem?" He said with a confused expression on his face. "Don't put your fucking hands on me! This was a setup, wasn't it? Your sister..trying to be my was all a big act. I'm such an idiot!" Luciana stormed away, ignoring Eric's last words to her. She heard Vanessa trying to speak to her, but she didn't care. Luciana had lost her balance while walking a long staircase, and had a hard fall, landing on her face. She was crying in pain, and everyone in the club started to surround her. Two muscular built men pushed to the crowd and carried her out. She was taken to the nearest hospital, and into an emergency room.

Luciana had opened her eyes later on in the daytime. She was confused, forgetting some of what happened the night before, but it was slowly coming back to her. A female nurse came in and walked up to her with a smile. "Did you sleep well?" Luciana, still a bit confused started to speak in a tired voice. "How did I get in the hospital?"

"Last night, when you were out, you took a hard fall down a staircase. You've broken your nose, and you've popped a bone in your arm out of place. Your surgery was successful. We've stitched your arm up, and the doctor shouldn't be too long to come in here and wrap your arm on up for you!"

Luciana looked at her arm and became shocked. "Oh, God."

"I highly suggest you don't put any extra pressure on your arm for a while. It needs time to heal."

"What about dancing? I should be okay for that, right?"

"I wouldn't recommend it, but if you decide to, make sure you're very careful. You don't want to harm your already injured areas."

"Okay. Am I allowed to leave after the doctor gets here?"
"Whenever you're ready, ma'am. You need to see a doctor in about 2 months to get those stiches removed. Oh, and you also have a couple of visitors outside who've been waiting to see you."

"Really? Could you bring them in for me, please?" The nurse smiled and opened the door, calling Luciana's visitors in. Dalani and her husband, Rico walked in with smiling faces. "Hi!" Luciana said with open arms. "Hey girly! How ya feeling?" Dalani said giving her sister a hug.

"I'm fine, I could be better thoug. What are you two doing all the way out here?"

"Someone called me and said you were demanding for me to come. I guess they somehow managed to find my number in your phone or something. As soon as I hung up, Rico and I were on a flight over here."

"That's right." Rico said smiling. He pulled his phone out and gave a worried look.

"What's wrong, honey?" Dalani said placing her hand on his shoulder.

"I've missed a couple of important calls. Do you mind if I step out?"

"Sure, take your time." Luciana said giving him a short wave. Once Rico closed the door, Luciana smiled at Dalani. "You guys are so cute."

"Aww, aren't we?"

"Yes! How's my soon to be mommy doing?"

"I'm so excited! The feeling is just amazing. Like, wow. I'm going to be a mother."

"Lani, I'm so happy for you. Did you find out the sex of the baby?"


"Ooo, spill!"

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