Chapter 44-Renewals and New Beginnings

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March 3, 2000

Michael and Luciana were both back and forth with their busy lives again. They talked as often as possible, and left each other messages when one couldn't contact another. Luciana often visited Neverland, and she began to call it her second home. They began to fall in love with one another all over again.

Luciana's grandmother, Denise, called Luciana to ask her if she and Michael would like to come and visit her. Luciana agreed, and Michael arranged things so that he was able to come. Luciana picked Michael up from Neverland as incognito as she could, and they drove off to Denise's home, which was close to 45 minutes away.

"Sorry if this was inconvenient for you," Luciana said to Michael as she kept her eyes on the road.

"I can always make time for family," he smiled. "Your parents' vow renewal is coming up in a couple of months."

"I know! I'm excited. It's going to be like the wedding they never had. We're going all out. I want them to have a real wedding, since theirs was rushed. You're coming, right?"

"No, I'm sorry. I can't make it."

"Oh," Luciana pouted. "Why not?"

"It's a really busy day for me," Michael sighed. "I'm really sorry honey."

"It's no biggie," Luciana shrugged it off, denying her true feelings.  "I'm glad you could come today," she smiled.

"So am I," he lightly touched her shoulder. "How's the project coming along?"

"It's been going quite well, actually. We're working on the next album, and a possible video shooting. I'm really excited for what's to come," she smiled.

"You know, I'm really proud of you. You've come a long way, and you've worked hard for what you've earned."

"Who you tellin'?" She giggled. "Thank you, though. I couldn't have done any of it without your genius and support. I'm proud of you too. You're an over comer. We're a team," she smiled.

"That is true," he chuckled. "When did you get your nose pierced?" He glared at the stud in her nose.

"Last week," she lightly touched it. "Do you like it?"

"It suits you. I do like it. What will your grandmother think about it?" He chuckled.

"When my Abuela doesn't like something she'll say, 'what'cha got there?'. When you tell her what it is, she'll go, 'hmph'. That's how you know she doesn't approve."

"Your family really has a way of doing things," he chuckled. "Now I'll be self concious. Is anyone else coming?"

"No. She says she'd like to take time to talk to just the two of us. My parents recently bought her a dog, if she counts."

"A dog? What kind?"

"A chihuahua."

Michael raised his eyebrow and looked at Luciana. Luciana was highly amused and began to laugh.

"What was that look for?"

"Does she bite?"

"No, no, no," Luciana's laughter was softly dying down. "She's just a baby."

"Okay," Michael gave her an 'I'm trusting you' look which amused Luciana evern more.

Once they arrived at Denise's home, Luciana spotted her on the front porch. She saw Denise hold up her index finger and signaled for her to go around to the back. Once Luciana pulled over to the sidewalk by her grandmother's back door,  Michael pulled up his hood as they ran quickly to get inside.

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