Chapter 16 (Luciana's Journal)

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I was so excited. Darion was coming to pick me up in two hours in time for dinner with my cast mates- Vanessa not being included in our outing, of course. She's always trying to act as if nothing happened. I didn't even take the flight back from Switzerland with her. I'd think a person would catch on to something so obvious after two months passing by. Anyway, all conflict aside, my cast mates and I always have such a good time when we're together. It's been a while since I've actually had some good quality friends.

I curled my hair and got in my little black dress that had stopped just above my knees. With my favorite pair of black heels to match, I was ready to go. I got about thirty minutes to myself after getting ready, when suddenly there was a knock on my door. I hadn't assumed it was Darion, because he always shows up late. I looked through my door's peephole, but I didn't recognize the person standing there. I thought maybe it was a Jehovah's Witness, or someone trying to sell something. I had time, so I opened the door a crack. There was a beautiful African American woman standing there. Her hair was pretty, dark, and straight. She looked like she was in her late forties. I didn't know who she was, but she seemed to know who I was.

"Can I help you?" I asked her nicely.

"You must be Luciana."

"Not trying to sound rude or anything, but do I know you?"

She put her hand out to shake mine. "I'm Melody. Melody Holland is my full name. I'm Eric and Vanessa's mother." The moment I heard Holland I wanted to die right where I was standing. So many different thoughts were running through my mind. Number one being, how does she know where I live? An even better question, what is she doing at my house?  I wanted as much distance from the Holland's as possible, and now their mother is standing here at my doorstep.

"How do you know where I live?"

"Vanessa gave me your address. She thinks I should tell you something, from a mother's point of view. May I come in?"

I hesitated to say yes, but I kind of wanted to hear what she had to say. Still confused, I let her in. I pulled her up a chair and we both sat at the coffee table. I was nervous.  I didn't know what was happening, and I didn't know why. Did they really need their mother to fight their own battles? Well, there actually was no battle to be fault. As far as I was concerned, I was completely done with the Holland's. After this movie is done, I'll go back on tour with Michael and forget all about them. I just hope it's easier than I'm making it sound.  I didn't say a word until Melody spoke.

"I think you have a negative view of my children. They've changed so much over the years, and they just want a chance to gain your respect back."

"You're saying it as if their lives depended on rather I like them or not. No disrespect Mrs. Holland, but physical and sexual abuse is not something I can just forget that easily. I'm mentally scarred for life. Oh, and by the way, where exactly were you when your son was the father of my child? I'd never heard a word about you back then. Truth be told, Eric never loved me. I called him one night, telling him his child was dead. His reaction is 'oh, what a shame.' The man couldn't even show up to her funeral. He never supported me when I was pregnant. I didn't hear one peep from your family! Now, so many years later, you all want my respect. This does not add up, nor does it make any sense."

"Luciana, you have to understand that they were younger back then. Do you want to know why you never saw me around at all? It's because I was getting the same abuse from my own husband. Eric takes up after his father, and does the same to you. Vanessa will do whatever Eric tells her to. She doesn't know how to be herself. I'm not saying we have to smile in each other's faces by tomorrow morning, but still, these things need to be resolved."

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