Chapter 6

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Luciana had pulled up to Neverland on March 16,1989. She was so amazed at how beautiful it was and also at how joyful the atmosphere was. She was so happy Michael had asked her, and she knew she'd never regret saying yes. She and Michael had phone conversation after the day they had last saw each other, and they seemed to be growing closer every time they talked to one another. She stepped out of her vehicle to see Michael in a red buttoned up shirt a black fedora on his head. She couldn't stop grinning.

"Michael!" she said running to hug him.

"Luciana!" he said hugging her tightly. "I'd like to introduce you to someone special. This is my sister, Janet."

Luciana put her hand over her mouth. "Oh my gosh, hi."

Janet laughed. "Look at you! She's gorgeous, Michael."

"Isn't she?" he smiled.

"Thank you, like , seriously. I love your music. If you knew how much..I'm just-wow."

"You're just wow. We're clear." she said laughing giving Luciana a hug. "Well what are we waiting on? I believe it's time for a super soaker fight, huh Mike?"

"Oh yeah." He said grinning. "I'm the Michael Jordan of water balloon fights too, better watch out Luciana."

"Oh, shutup Michael. He's always showing off."

"That's because he hasn't seen me play yet." Luciana said smiling at him.

"Ooo, you got competition now, honey!" Janet said nudging Michael's arm.

"Yeah, okay. We 'gon see about that girl." he said laughing.

Overall they had alot of fun together. Luciana and Michael were without a doubt falling for eachother, and there was no way out of it. She was happy to be happy, because that was something she was always lacking in her life. She was glad she and Michael hadn't lost contact. She couldn't imagine her life going on without the happiness he'd delivered to her. The sun began setting, and Michael and Luciana were the only ones at the ranch. They were walking side by side looking straight ahead.

"I've had so mcuh fun today, Michael. Thank you for giving me an oppurtunity like this. I don't think you know how much this means to me. This is close to the most fun I've ever had..ever."

He turned to face her and grabbed both of her hands. "You don't have to keep thanking me. I've done this out of the goodness of my heart because of my feelings for you. I can be open with you, as you are the same with me." He took his hand and carresed her face. He was wiping away the small tears coming down her cheek. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm-I'm just really happy." She said with a sniff. Without any warning he kissed her on the lips. They were both stuck in the moment. It turned a passionate kiss that lasted for about 2 minutes straight. After their lips stopped touching, her arms were around his neck and his hands were on her waist. She rested her head in his neck and they just stood there for a moment. He all of a suddened scooped up her legs and held her in his arms.

"Oh my gosh, if you drop me, I swear!" she laughed.

"Fine, I'll make this quick then."

"Whoa, wait, what?" Without any warning he was running with her in his arms. She couldn't stop laughing. Once they'd gotten into the doors she pushed her feet forward and stood up. "Gosh,you're crazy!" she said punching his chest playfully.

"Ah, you know you loved it." he said winking at her. She got chills in her body, her feelings for him were getting stronger by the minute. "Are you hungry?"

"No,thanks. I'm not really in the food mode right now."

"How about dessert?" he said smiling at her.

"Well,if you must." she laughed. It didn't take long at all before his chef came with sundaes for the both of them. "Fancy."

"Nothing special. But before I forget, I didn't get to ask how you were doing. How's life at home treating you?" He said putting his legs up on the couch so they'd be face to face.

"It's been better, actually. I'm grateful for any improvement, and there has been a few lately. My parents are getting marriage counseling. That hasn't been working out so well but my father's been to Rehab."

"Are you serious? That's great! Glad to know your parents are trying."

"Yeah." she said with a smirk putting her ice cream on the table. She couldn't stop staring into his eyes. 'He's so beautiful.' she thought to herself. They started playing with each other's hands.

"I'm so glad I met you. The way I feel about you is just.." he said seriously.

"Is what?" she said smiling.

"I can't even explain it. You're like an angel sent from God to me. You're stunningly beautiful. I find myself often thinking about you. I'm glad I get this time with you..being able to share laughs together.. everything."

Luciana was crying. She had never felt so deeply for a person before. "You're crying again." he said lifting up her chin up with a smile.

"You've make me really happy, Michael. Sorry for being a crybaby." she said with a giggle looking down again.

"Don't apologize. You being happy is what I've wanted for you. I really care about you, and I want us to be able to see eachother as much as we can whenever possible. I'm falling so hard for you, and I'm pouring my heart out to you right now because of it." he said lifting her chin up again. They shared another passionate kiss. He was holding her tight in his arms and didn't ever want to let go. After pulling apart from eachother, she rested her head in his neck as he was still holding her tight stroking her hair. She fell asleep in his arms, and he carried her to the bed in the guest room. He could not stop thinking about her after that. He even came to check on her when she was sleeping. He loved just seeing her face, it made him happy.

Luciana woke up and looked at the clock by the bed. "It's 1:00 in the morning? I must've fell asleep." she said in her tired voice. She got out of the bed and changed into sweatpants and a tank top. She got back into bed with a book in her hands. There was a picture of her kissing a baby on the front of it. She started tearing up. "I love you, Denise." she said kissing the book as she slid it under her pillow and went back to sleep. She hadn't noticed Michael was peeking through the door when she had done it. He didn't know who Denise was and why she'd been so sad looking at the book. But he grew curious and wanted to find out.

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