Chapter 17

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December 23, 1992

Luciana had been back on tour with Michael since the 14th of December. She wasn't performing, she just wanted to accompany him for the remaining shows. They did not need her for the movie anymore, due to her character being deceased in the movie. She didn't find out until later, but she was actually happy about it. She was ready to leave the United States and to be with someone she loved for an extended time. Luciana hadn't yet met with Eric, but she was making plans for them to meet again once she had got back to Los Angeles. Vanessa would be tagging along as well. Luciana didn't feel comfortable being alone with someone like Eric. She still had heavy doubts about him and his intentions.

Michael and Luciana were in Tokyo, Japan. After Michael's performance on the 24th, he'd have two more performances there, and then they'd be there until his Superbowl Halftime Show at the end of January.  Michael and Luciana were at the hotel in their suite after Michael had got done rehearsing. Luciana was overjoyed. It was taking her a while to actually take in the fact that she'd be able to be with Michael for a longer time than she'd ever gotten to. She wanted their relationship to improve, and she felt that her stay would help make a major improvement.

Michael was sitting on his bed with a notebook in his hand. Luciana smiled and cuddled up next to him. "What are you doing?" Michael looked up from the paper he was reading and smiled at her. "I'm just going over a few things."

"Nice..can i talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure," he smiled and sat the notebook down next to him.

"I wanted to ask you a few questions. You know, about us."

"What about us?"

"Well, as far as our relationship goes, where exactly do we stand? After your tour I don't want us drifting apart again so easily. I love you, you know? I feel like we've taken our relationship to a higher peak over these years. I just want to be able to see you more often like this. I know you can't help that you're such a busy person, but I miss you."

Michael's face lit up. "Maybe you could come stay a while at Neverland. I know how much you love it there."

"Really? You'd actually want me staying with you?"

"Why do you sound surprised?"

"No, it's not that babe. I'm just happy! I'm glad you're so open with it."

"Well, I agree with everything you said. You're the only person I see myself being with right now and I don't want to lose you that easy."

"I'm not gonna cry," she laughed. "I want to be able to meet your family sometime too, especially your mother."

"We'll come across the bridge when we get to it," he smiled.

"Okay. Michael, while I have the time to talk to you now, I think I should tell you something. I hope you don't get angry with me when I say this."

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you remember when I told you about my ex about a couple of years ago?"

"That Eric guy, right?"


"Yeah, I do. What about him?"

"I ran in to him again.."


"He hasn't touched me, I swear. He followed me to Switzerland that time we were there. His sister's in the movie with me and she traveled to Switzerland with me. I guess he took the flight after ours. Anyway, that night I fell at the club was because I was storming away from him. A lot has happened in between since then."

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