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Pet: Deku
Owner: Shin

Deku: Pup

Deku is a sleepy boi😭❤️
Deku rolls around in his bed, whimpering slightly. Until he woke up and gasped, after having a dream of his owner shin leaving him.

He itched his neck and head from his black collar and white dog ears. He whined, trying to get his owners attention. His pet bed was small and it made him uncomfortable.

He rolled in a ball and cried slightly. "hmm.." shin yawned from the noise. Deku yelp and jumped on his owner. "Hey hey!" Shin laughed.

"What's wrong pup?" Shinsou patted his head. His only answer was a whimper as Deku cling on his collar on shinsou shirt. Shinsou realized and frown.

"It's okay pup I got ya.." Shinsou rubbed the pups back. "Rgh!" Deku barked. "Shhh shh.." Shinsou yawned. "mm!" Deku pouted.

"Wanna sleep with master?" Shinsou asked. Deku tongue was out and he was panted happily. "Shinsou patted beside him and Deku rolled over.

Deku cling on Shinsou and slowly fell asleep as Shinsou rubbed his back. "Good night Deku." Shin closed his eyes. "Woof!" Deku smiled.

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