50. the interrogation

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Devora's thumbs were glued to the joysticks, not once did she let go to let her tired fingers rest. Maybe she would have if she wasn't falling behind second place, right behind Princess Peach.

Jin was notorious for beating everybody who played against him with that character.

She could see why, he was way beyond well skilled with the tiny remote, and had amazing aim when it came to tossing those surprise tricks.

But, she wasn't gonna let him beat her.

She still had the upper hand.

Jimin was right beside her, cheering her on, and making commentary anytime either of them made a move.

If she wasn't so focused on the game, she'd probably be laughing along with Hobi and Taehyung.

The song sped up, along with a chime to let them know that they were on their last lap.

"Are you ready to lose, Dev?" Jin nudged her with his elbow, a mocking laugh connected to his words.

Her head tilted. "It's not over yet, Jin."

"Oh, but it is now." He said, throwing one of the green shells behind him.

He aimed it right at Devora, planning to throw her off the map which would ultimately give Jin the win.

But, she had a better outlook.

Moving aside right on time, the shell was able to pass her and hit the next player behind them.

The inebriated Jimin alongside her clapped his hands cheerfully, thoroughly exultant for Devora and her quick reaction.

She ignored the oohs coming from the other members, way too indulged in a win at that moment.

"What were you saying, Jin?" A malicious laugh jumped out from her lips.

He shook his head, albeit, his smile never left.

Devora had one more trick up her sleeve, planning to use it at the right time to throw Jin off, and finally claim first place.

Her eyes moved to the map noticing that the checkered line was coming up.

'Now.' She told herself, throwing the electric symbol right at baby Peach.

Through the corner of her eye, she watched Jin's lips mar into a frown.

An unfathomable expression took over his features, watching in horror as his character shriveled in size, decreasing his speed, leaving none other than Devora to take his spot in first place.

That delightful whistle sounded through the speakers.

The race was over, and Devora had won.

She got up from her crouching position, immediately falling into Jimin's arms, jumping along with his celebratory mannerism.

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