Cargo Raid

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                    Third Person pov

          A man climbed up the ramp leading up to the floating ship, entering past another holding a clipboard. A couple of others were standing around watching, yet there was one that stood apart from the rest. The girl was crouched down on the railing, her hands placed firmly between her feet and lips twisted together with a little tilt of her head. Her pink eyes watched as the man dropped the barrel next to a few others, marked with an X next to a man with thick black tattoos. He was standing just a couple of feet away from the girl, showing off just how much larger he was than the girl wearing black loose-fitted pants with a belt looped around her hips, with it starting upwards to the right and down to the left. Her tank top was tight fitted and also black while ending just below her breasts, but like her pants, it was drawn on with multiple colored markers. Many of the shapes were random zig-zags while others were words. Some of these words were Bla-Bla-Bla and Twitch and Boom. And there were even odd-shaped monkey heads placed around in random places. Her gray hair was long, reaching well past her ankles and pulled back into one braid. But just around her knees, the color shifted to a light pink.

          And there was even a strange little critter that sat perched on her shoulder, twitching its nose in the air. A small mouse. Its paws clung to the girl's bare skin as she scanned the area with her odd-colored eyes, looking around the man who was staring at them nervously.

          "Uh, shipping manifest?" he asked, clearing his throat a little. The girl jumped off the railing, smiling as she untied a bag of coins from her belt before dropping it down on the clipboard. She raised her metallic right hand, fingers squeaking and in need of an oil tuning. Her whole right arm was replaced and crafted by metal, with scorched marks coming out of the shoulder where her skin met the metal.

          "From your friend," another woman said, stepping up to the other girl's side with a toss of her square head. There were blue lines cutting across her left cheek and neck, going just under her collar. "Downtown."

          The girl next to her perked her head up a little, her ears picking up a strange electrical humming from above. The mouse on her shoulder squeaked before jumping off and onto a nearby barrel, using that to run off. The girl tilted her head, moving after the animal as the man handed the clipboard over to the other woman. As the girl was walking away, she heard the same humming grow louder as it went directly over her head. Looking up and frowning, she tried to process what she was picking up. And then realization hit her.

          "Firelights," she whispered just before the group of flying people began whizzing past them.

           "Ah, shit, the Firelights!" one man cursed as the girl bent over and scooped up the mouse off the ground before jumping up onto the ceiling. She hoisted herself onto a high bar as the woman below growled.

            "You were supposed to be our lookout, Mouse!" she cursed while shaking a finger up at the girl. She shrugged in reply before a ball was thrown in the woman's direction, encasing her in a strange orange crystal substance against a crate. Soon everyone had been knocked out or trapped in orange crystal beside the girl that had hidden herself on the ceiling, clutching to the bar beneath her as she watched the Firelights land on board.

          "We have five minutes until they're out of there," the Firelight leader said as he pulled out a watch and twirled it in his hand before starting the timer. Two people moved behind him as Mouse leaned forward, her eyes watching as the Firelight leader popped open the top of a barrel with purple liquid swirling inside.

          "You ever seen this much Shimmer before?" the woman to his right whispered as the three loomed over the barrel. Mouse's lips pulled in a tight line as she tilted her head.

            "They're expanding," the leader said as the total of seven looked between one another. "Check for more below. Burn it all."

          Mouse's eyes widened as the animal on her shoulder squeaked. Two of the Firelights moved down a trapdoor as the others began grabbing cans of gasoline to burn the Shimmer with. But just as they were beginning to get ready to rid of the cargo--the boat rocked from an explosion down below. Mouse gasped as she tightened her hold on the bar, eyes falling down to the trap door the Firelights had just gone down. And out came clouds of purple smoke, making it hard to see what was happening. But soon a girl with long, blue hair braided back into two long strands came sauntering out, tilting her head while looking at the three Firelights in front of her.


          She extended her arms out, bombs appearing in them before she used her mouth to take out their pins. She chucked them forward towards the two Firelights on either side of their leader, knocking them off the boat before exploding in clouds of pink. She began walking forward, sneering lightly at the leader as he chucked two balls in her direction. She swerved the first before firing at him, not noticing the other man that was to her side. Mouse grabbed the railing before swinging forward, nailing her feet into the side of the man's jaw and knocking him away before he could touch the blue-haired girl. And then Mouse stomped both feet against his head, knocking him unconscious.

          "Not bad, Twitch," the blue-haired girl teased as she shoved Mouse off the man before looking up at the sound of liquid sloshing. The Firelight leader was pouring gasoline into the Shimmer.

            "Jinx," Mouse whispered while motioning to the other Firelight to the side as she began raising a flare over her head. She quickly moved forward, grabbing the girl's wrist before knocking her in the side of the head.

           Mouse moved towards the Firelight leader, ready to take him out when Jinx whispered, "Vi?"

            Mouse stopped, her shoulders spasming as her head twitched and jerked. Multiple voices began overlapping one another and repeating the name, some loud while others were merely a whisper. Pink and blue flashed through her vision and she took a step back, clutching her head with a groan before the voices stopped. Letting out a little pant, Mouse looked down at her hands before shaking her head a little. Looking up, she noticed that the fire had been lit--and a gunshot ran through the air. Whirling around, Mouse watched the pink-haired girl fall to the ground as Jinx panted, gun laying on her head as she stared in distant thought.

          The Firelight leader crumbled next to the girl's body as Mouse tilted her head at Jinx in silent wonder. And then the Firelight leader let out a cry, ready to take out Jinx and Mouse. But Jinx quickly pulled out her machine gun, pulling Mouse behind her before firing all around. The Firelight leader was lifted away and off the boat as Mouse cupped her ears, staying behind Jinx as she continued to fire before slowly stopping. Mouse pulled away, swallowing the lump in her throat as the woman from before finally broke free from the crystals and stomped over to Jinx.

            "You were supposed to guard the cargo," she snarled while turning Jinx around to face her. Jinx simply stared back at her as Mouse looked between the two with her hands behind her back, the small mouse on her shoulders shrinking behind her hair.

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