Secret Santa (Both)

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Air: We should go ice skating!

Nightflyer: *considers this*

Nightflyer: *sees them all falling cause they're dragons, Joy murdering people with the skate blades, Air getting skating over while attempting to make a snow angel on the ice, Seashell bloody and crying, Kelp being weirdly good at it, and Rainkeeper sipping hot choclate from the sidelines cause he knew better than to participate*

Nightflyer: Let's not.

Air: Okay....Bowling instead?

Nightflyer: Yeah, sounds good.

*players appear*

Joy: Merry Christmas everyone!

Kelp: Happy Yule!

Air: I don't know when Hannukah was this year, but hope it was fun!

Nightflyer: Happy Kwanzaa!

Seashell: Happy whatever other holidays there are at this time!

Rainkeeper: Happy birthday!

Seashell: Who's birthday is it?

Rainkeeper: That's the genius part. If you were born on December 25th, no one ever wishes you a happy birthday because they're too focused on Christmas, and when people read this years later, maybe we'll get lucky and it'll actually be somebody's birthday the day they read it. 

Seashell:.....Have you considered a career in business?

Rainkeeper: Hell no, that's your job.

Seashell: I know. I'm like the Truth or Dare Accountant, and I deserve a pay raise for Christmas.

Joy: Oh yeah, here's your bonus.


Joy: Yeah. Your Christmas bonus.

Seashell: What a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit you are! 

Rainkeeper: Hallelujah! 

Kelp: Holy shit! 

Seashell: Where's the Tylenol?

Winter: Was that Seashell's version of a mental breakdown?

Turtle: Nah, that will involve her throwing things at Joy.

Seashell: You're not wrong.

Sunny: What are we doing for the holidays?

Rainkeeper: You'll all be exchanging Secret Santa gifts!

Kelp: For those who don't know, Secret Santa is when everyone draws a name secretly and buys that person a present, and then whoever got the gift has to guess who got it for them!

Seashell: Cue the flashback to a few weeks ago where we had you all spin for your person. 


Tsunami: *spins*

*wheel lands on Riptide*

Tsunami: YES! That's easy!


Tsunami: Wait, what the fuck does Riptide like?

Glory: *spins*

*wheel lands on Winter*

Glory: OH COME ON.

Deathbringer: *spins*

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