Play With Fire (D.O.D.)

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Nightflyer: Man, it's been a busy week.

Seashell: No kidding *drags tree branches into a pile*

Air: It's funny how we go from weeks with NOTHING happening to weeks with EVERYTHING happening.

Rainkeeper: *shredding pages from the latest Twilight novel and throwing it on the pile of tree branches*

Rainkeeper: I know, right?

Kelp: Strange how that works *pours gasoline on the pile*

Joy: Well, that's just how the world works. *lights match and drops it on pile*

*pile explodes into a large bonfire*

Hosts: *sit around the fire with marshmallows*

Nightflyer: This was a good use for this firewood.

Joy: Yes it was.

*players appear*


Air: *tosses him a bag*

Clay: This is why you're my favorite child. *inhales marshmallows*

Peril: CLAY!

Clay: Whu?

Peril: You're not supposed to TELL HER she's the favorite!

Clay: She knows.

Peril: No she didn't!

Air: The favorite always knows.

Hosts: *nod in agreement*

Riptide: So what else is new?

Air: Our scavenger author started school today!

Joy: Her last year of the K-12 school system, actually.

Rainkeeper: *sniffles* It seems like just yesterday she was in middle school inventing us.

Joy: Don't get emotional over this.

Rainkeeper: Why not?

Joy: Cause that's weird.

Rainkeeper: Fair enough.

Nightflyer: Let's see, state of the world stuff um.....

Seashell: RIP Chadwick Boseman. We still haven't seen Black Panther, but we know he meant a lot to the people of the Marvel Fandom.

Kelp: *smashes his fist against the floor* YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH, 2020. WHY WON'T YOU STOP!?!?!?!?

Joy: It can't stop, Kelp. It doesn't know how.

Kelp: Well there has to be something we can do!

Joy: All we can do is attempt to live to see 2021, which will either be significantly better, or twice as bad.


Air: As long as I have a working television for every single Thursday from October 8th on, the world will stay together.

Rainkeeper: And if you don't?

Air: Then my fiery rage will destroy the world and spare no one except the Supernatural cast and fandom.

Nightflyer: You need another Joy detox, don't you?

Air: No, Nightflyer, that is just what feelings have been drawn out from me by repressing all of my emotions related to the ending of Supernatural.

Nightflyer: That's....That's a lot of repression.

Air: Yes, and since there's about a 95% chance that Cas is going to-

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