Breaking Tree Frogs (D.O.D.)

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Air: *lying face down on the floor*

Joy: *pokes her with a stick*

*Nothing happens*

Joy: Nightflyer?

Nightflyer: *listening to Chicago soundtrack on vinyl*

Nightflyer: Yes?

Joy: Is... *pokes again* Is Air dead?


Nightflyer: Well I mean she hasn't moved since Thursday night so.....

Joy: Have you TRIED to move her?

Nightflyer: Yes. Many times.

Joy: And nothing?

Nightflyer: The most I got was a pained screech last night. 

Joy:.......She's dead.

Nightflyer: Yes she is.

Nightflyer: *turns up the volume on Chicago*

Joy:.......I thought you'd care more.

Nightflyer: Oh, I do, but Air warned me this reaction would happen, so I'm not worried. She'll be fine by Thursday.

Joy: Fair enough. *pokes her again*

Nightflyer: Please stop poking her

Joy: No.

*players appear*

Sunny: Hi!

Rainkeeper: You're happy today.

Sunny: Of course I'm happy! Meerkat and I went thrift store shopping and he bought me presents.


Glory: Okay, he can stay.

Clay: Approved.

Tsunami: Riptide never buys me presents....

Fatespeaker: Neither does Starflight, but I get him stuff all the time....


Riptide: *searches the room for a gift for Tsunami*

Riptide: Here, Tsu-tsu, I got you a giant diamond!

Tsunami: Oooo

Fatespeaker: WHAT!

Starflight: *scans the room*

Starflight: Welp, I can't top that, so why try. *snorts cocaine*

Peril: Clay, why don't you get me presents?

Clay: I give hugs!

Clay:..........Aren't.......Aren't those presents?

Peril:....Okay, yes they are, I love you.

Clay: YAY! *hugs her*

Glory: Are you going to start bribing me with gifts now?

Deathbringer: Hell no, I'M the gift.


Sunny: So what's the dare?

Seashell: Glory has to-

Joy: *drops a broken coffee machine*

Rainkeeper: What-

 Joy: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad. I just want to know.


Air: I did. I broke it.

Joy: No, you didn't- Rainkeeper?

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