The Me Inside of Me (J.W.)

911 27 110

Nightflyer: With everything in the world a disaster, it is important to take up learning new skills. I, for instance, learned how to sew.

Nightflyer: I broke a needle and stabbed myself several times in the process, but I learned. Anyone else?

Air: I took the opportunity to practice drawing more, in an attempt to one day surpass Rainkeeper in painting skills.

Rainkeeper: In your dreams, Air.

Nightflyer: But that's good that you've been practicing! Any artwork that's worthy for us to see?

Air: Well, there is one....

Nightflyer: Show us! I'm sure everyone wants to see.

Rainkeeper: Can't be worse than Kelp's 'Badly Drawn Comics'

Kelp: Excuse you, people love those.

Rainkeeper: Do they? Do they REALLY?

Air: BEHOLD!  *unfurls artwork*

Air: BEHOLD!  *unfurls artwork*

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Rainkeeper: What-

Seashell: What am I looking at here?

Air: That's the Queen of England, and that's Misha Collins, and I've put them in the poses of the movie poster for Mr. and Mrs. Smith.


Joy: *burst out laughing*

Seashell: Why does Misha's eye look so weird-


Rainkeeper: Can we laugh?

Air: Please do, I thought it was hilarious.

Joy: IT IS!

Rainkeeper: The wrinkles on the queen's face are on point though....

Kelp: Can we frame this?

Nightflyer: We're framing this. This is one of the greatest art pieces I've ever seen in my life.

Air: Thanks babe.

Rainkeeper: Why do I want more of these....

Air: Oh, you'll get them. I'm doing Pretty Woman next, although I'm thinking of pairing the Queen up with someone other than Misha. Any suggestions?

Joy: Freddie Mercury.

Air: Oooooo good one.

*players appear*

Air: *frames artwork and puts it up next to Tam's shrine*

Qibli: *bursts out laughing*

Amber: Queen be lookin' fine.

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