Supernatural Hell Part 7/? (D.O.D.)

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Kelp: That moment you realize that Deathbringer is just the dragon version of Tamaki Suoh.


Kelp: And, I mean, that makes Glory Haruhi, but honestly, I can see that.



Joy: Kelp......

Joy: Have you been watching Anime?

Kelp:.......I mean.....

Kelp: Just....Ouran High School Host Club...

Seashell: I knew it.

Kelp: Knew what?

Seashell: That out of all of us, you were the most likely to fall into the inescapable pit that is anime.

Kelp: Hey, I'm not IN the pit.....

Kelp: I just dipped my toe into the shallow end and found that the water wasn't terrible.

Seashell: That's a slippery slope, brother.

Kelp: I really don't care, I like Ouran Academy.

Rainkeeper: Even though it has twincest?





Kelp: We're not gonna talk about the twins.

*players appear*

Clay: *is wearing a T-shirt*

T Shirt:

T Shirt:

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


Clay: What?

Air: I made him the shirt. I didn't think he'd actually wear it.

Clay: Why would I NOT wear it??? It's true!

Peril: *glares*

Clay: Just because Tacos are eternal doesn't mean I don't love you, Per-Per.

Nightflyer: Well, there's your sneak peak into the tone of our future merchline, people.

Joy: Which we are doing.

Kelp: We're up to like 5 shirt ideas already.

Nightflyer: The rest is just a matter of waiting for art, finding ways to lower costs, and the struggles of putting together a website store without any knowledge on how banks or internet stores work.

Seashell: But it's a labor of love.

Air: Love of tacos, that is.

Starflight: So what part of Supernatural Hell will we be exploring today? Gayness? Monster hunting? Religious aspects? Hot dudes?

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