Chapter 3

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Navraj Singh

I know I was a moron for leaving her. I should never have done it. I was just so blinded by Jasnoor's love that I did anything she wanted. I even stranded my best friends for her. I did everything I could only for her to cheat on me. I should've listened to my brother. I should've listened to my friends. I should've listened to her.

I know she hates me. After all, I left her 9 years ago. She was 16 and I was 20.

"Oye, why did you punch my brother?" I looked up to see a girl who didn't look a day older than eleven glaring at me.

"I didn't punch your brother" I chuckled. "You're Simar's older sister?" She nodded.

She spun on her heels to walk out of the gurudwara's storage room. She suddenly stopped and turned around. "Wait, what's your name?"

Let's play with her a bit. "Divraj" She smiled and nodded.

"What was that about?" I asked myself.

She came back five minutes later. She crouched down next to me and the harmonium. "Sorry for being so rude. My brothers are a bit overdramatic. They take after Nani." She giggled.

"What's your name?" I asked her.


It's very safe to say that our first meeting wasn't your ideal first meeting. She hated me for a long while and I didn't even notice her until she got my Snapchat. Let's just say that she and Roop were very sneaky. And on top of that, she had Arsh and Manan.

Simar was mostly with me when we used to meet up. The only time I would see them was on Sundays at the gurdwara or on special events like Gurupurab and Diwali.

"Thinking about her?" I looked up at Divraj. I nodded. "Mere chote veer, you've got to do something. Even though there is a four-year age gap, you can do it. I know that your love is true"

"You're right, but what should I do, she hates my existence. Even Simar said that" I sighed.

"If you want her trust again, you're going to have to work for it" he smiled. "I'm going to the gurudwara, wanna come?" I nodded.

I always saw her at the gurudwara. She claimed that to be her happy place. She was always happy there. She would always be smiling. The smile that could have anyone drooling over her. The smile I would die to see.

Jasnoor would always smile but that was a fake smile. She was always jealous of Isha. She got so jealous that she forbade me from talking to her. After that, Isha always hated me. She's hated me for 9 years.

After tying my paag I made my way downstairs where Divraj and phabi were waiting.

"I'm sure that if you're sincere with her, Isha will forgive you" Phabi grinned. I smiled and nodded.

Divraj and phabi drove in their car with Gurkirt and Gurleen while I drove in mine. I need some alone time to think about what I'll have to do while when I see her.

The gurdwara was just a 10-minute drive from our house so I reached fairly quickly since I speed. Yes, I am admitting that I speed.

I parked my car at the train station where I saw Isha's car.

When I entered the gurudwara I took off my shoes before washing my hands.

After doing matha teek I walked down to the langar hall where is saw her.

Oh sache patsha, help me

I walked over to where she was standing along with her sisters.

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