Chapter 42

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8 months later...

Ishpreet Kaur

I'm 8 months in and today is my baby shower. I made sure that none of the bitchy aunties came myself.

I was sitting in our room in my dress waiting for Navi to come to get me.

"Are you ready?" Navi asked as he entered the bedroom. I looked up and nodded. "You look like a queen. My queen." He kissed the top of my forehead. He looked amazing in his three-piece suit.

"Done checking me out?" He chuckled. I blushed and shook my head. He grabbed my hand and we started to walk downstairs.

The house was so nicely set up and everyone was dressed up. I told Navi I didn't want a big party, but he doesn't listen. Everyone's been working for so long on this party and I couldn't even help. I feel useless. Before I knew it I broke down in tears.

"Buggad, why you crying?" Navi panicked.

"I feel useless. I can't help with anything in the house." I cried a little more.

"Isha, you're not useless. You're pregnant for 2 more months and then you can help again." Mummy assured me. I nodded my head and wiped away my tears. Thank God I had waterproof makeup on. Navi grabbed my hand and we sat down on the swing.

They had to do some ritual on me so we went through that. It was nice. They put a chunni on my head and they fed me some ladoos. I felt like it was my chunni chari all over again. What shocks me is I haven't even been married for an entire 2 years and I'm already 8 months pregnant.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a special performance by my annoying little sister and her celebrity boyfriend for my other annoying sister and jija," Arsh announced. Everyone started cheering. 

Roop and GG had prepared a dance on Kannia by Geeta Zaildar.

It was truly adorable. A few tears leaked out of my eyes. Nothing Navi didn't manage to catch.

"Are you two getting married and didn't tell me?" I asked them.

"NO!" Roop and GG shouted at the same time.

"Ok ok, stop screaming." I covered my ears.

They gently pulled me up and literally yanked Navi up to dance.

I tried to be careful but when my favorite songs came I just couldn't control myself. Navi kept telling me to be careful, and for some reason, I listened.

We danced the night away and cut the cake Kiran and Manny brought.

We spent the rest of the night talking before everyone left for their respective homes.


"I told you I don't want a big party" I whined.

"You didn't but I did. You've been carrying my baby for 8 months so this was the least I could do" he said before capturing my lips in a kiss full of love. 

1 more month till baby NavPreet.


Tonight's a night where we don't worry about anything and enjoy our life, because who knows kal ho na ho.

We're going to the city today. The guys have their apartment there, so we can stay there. There is also Navi's hotel we could stay at.

"Who's excited for PAGALS NIGHT OUT!" Arsh shouted.

We all started cheering and hooting.

"Manhattan di watt laga denge!" Simar exclaimed.

"Our faces will be on the dollar bills!" Roop laughed.

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