Chapter 29

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Ishpreet Kaur

"Why does everyone ruin our time?" Navi groaned. I laughed as I answered my phone.

"Yea Roop?" I asked still laughing. 

"Where are you?" She asked.

"Home, where else. By the way, you pissed your jija off" I laughed.

"I don't mind. I'll just have you kiss him better" she laughed. "And I'll be over in 10 minutes"

"What? Why?" I panicked.

"I have a surprise"

I jumped off the bed and threw Navi's shirt to him.

"Okay, Aja" I said before hanging up.

"Why is she coming?" Navi asked, tying his dumala. I shrugged, not knowing, and began getting ready.

Not even ten minutes later, the doorbell rang.

"Yo! Isha! Your annoying sister is here!" I heard Manny shout. I grabbed my phone before racing Navi down the stairs.

"Roop!" I lunged on top of my sister who saw gasping for breath.

"The goal is to not kill her" Navi laughed.

"Guys, go sit, I need to grab something for the car" We nodded as she walked out the door.

"Shut your eyes!"

We all shut our eyes and I could sense the anxiousness in the air.

"Open them!"

As soon as I opened my eyes, there was a man standing in front of me. Gurinder fucking Gill. GG is standing in my house. Right in front of me!

"Surprise!" Roop exclaimed.

I glanced at phabi as we both squealed with excitement.

"Wait!" We all shut up. "What is Gurinder Gill doing with you?" Divi paji asked Roop.

GG grabbed Roop by the waist and...the rest is not necessary to know.

I couldn't help but squeal! My sister's dating Gurinder Gill!

"WHAT THE HELL?" We turned around to see my 3 brothers standing by the door. Weirdos.

"Know we have another jija to deal with. Fuck man" Simar groaned. What. Just. Happened.

"Wait! Our new jija is Gurinder Gill!" Manan exclaimed before they all began dancing. Manny joined them as we laughed.

"So, where did you meet my baby sis?" I asked him.

"She snuck backstage at my concert last year. We went on a few dates and I just fell in love" Roop blushed a crimson red.

My sister, Ikroop Kaur is dating Gurinder Gill. The guy she would always drool over.

I pulled Roop in for a hug and she smiled against my neck. My baby sisters not gonna die alone. Thank god.

"I still don't know any of you"

We are so stupid. Roop introduced every single one of us to GG before phabi and I set the table. We can't set a bad impression on our famous jawai.

"So, how's AP doing?" Navi asked, the smile was clear on his face.

"He's good. Just hanging around with his family after the big tour" he chuckled.

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