Chapter 8

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Ishpreet Kaur

"Isha, did you actually tell him that you didn't like the dance?" Roop asked, laughing. I cheekily grinned and nodded.

"He made us work so hard for nothing" she whined. "Reet, Avni, and I were going to do Saukane" she grumbled. I grinned and bit her arm.

"You should do that to him" I smirked shrugging.

"Bitch! That hurt" she growled as she rubbed her arm.

"Tell your beloved Jija to stop trying" She grinned. What did I say now?

"You accepted him as your fiance?" She excitedly asked. I glared at her and shook my head.

"I won't ever accept him as anything other than my fiance" I deadpanned "But, a girls gotta act" I laughed. She shook her head, laughing.

"Dumbass" Simar shook his head in disbelief. "If you didn't want to marry him, why'd you say yes?" He asked incredulity.

"To make you morons happy. And it's the perfect way of getting revenge" I shrugged.

"You're the same girl that used to dream of marrying him" Manan leaned against the doorframe. "You're the girl that used to dream of your life with him. You're the girl who came up with NavPreet. You even had your kids' names planned out"

"That was childish Isha" I scowled at him.

"And this Isha is so mature" Simar rolled his eyes at me.

"Forget that. We all have to get ready. Navraj and his family are coming to set the wedding date" Arsh said before a fight could start.

"Why are they over like every day?" Avni whined only for Reet to slap her upside the head. She isn't wrong. I'm sure they're even tired of being of my crazy family.

● ● ●

"I don't want to wear a suit!" I whined.

"Then wear a shirt and jeans!" Roop shouted. Damn, she's right.

I slipped on a pair of jeans and a blue shirt with some earrings and a necklace.

There was a knock on my door. Roop opened the door only for me to groan. Why is he here?!

"I'm gonna go" She winked at me before leaving.

"No suit this time?" He chuckled only for me to glare at him to shut up. "I mean, you look good"

"You don't need to be so frank" I glared. He inwardly chuckled.

My eyes locked on his face. He isn't the Navraj I remember. The Navraj I remember would never compliment me. Hell, he wouldn't even talk to me.

This Navraj isn't the old one. He's new. But, he's still dangerous.

● ● ●

Shall we fix the dates?" Davi paji asked.

Wedding dates already? Am I ready? I mean, we just had the rokha.

"We should have it in 3 years, so by then, Isha will be an experienced doctor" Seerat phabi teased. Navraj's face paled. Everyone broke down laughing, including me.

"How about we have the wedding after the kid's school is over, so June 26th," Papa said after the laughing had died down. Everyone nodded in agreement.

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