Chapter 28

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Ishpreet Kaur

I'm freaking out! Today's the trial and I'm having the worst feeling in the world.

"You good?" Navi snaked his arm around my waist from behind me. I don't understand how, but I feel better now. I feel calm and at home.

I turned around with him still holding me. "You know, when you were hit by that fucking car, I cried more than I've ever cried before"

"I hate how I'm the reason you've cried so much in your life" he buried his head in my neck. I sighed and pulled his head out and cupped his face.

"No. I love you more than anything. And my nanu always says, a person only cries because they're the strongest." He chuckled and nodded. I grinned and kissed him.

"I'm scared Navi" I tightened my grip around his arm.

"Why? Isha, you'll be alright. I'll be right there. No one will force you to go to far. You only say what you feel comfortable saying. Just don't be scared." He kissed my temple. I nodded.

Arsh, Simar, and I are testifying and I'm a nervous wreck.

Waheguru ji, save me.

Inder and Jasnoor were brought out and as I suspected, they were giving me and my family death glares.


Everyone quieted down.

After a long speech given by Inder and Jasnoor's lawyer, it was Avneet's turn to speak.

"...Your honor, I would like to bring Ishpreet Kaur to the stand"

I hesitantly stood up and walked over to where Avneet was standing. After swearing on the Bible, Avneet began asking me a few questions.

"Mrs. Kaur, when did you and Mr. Narula begin to date?" I think he wants me to beat him up.

"It was sometime after my 13th birthday. We were on and off because I never loved him but at the same time didn't want to hurt him." I frowned.

"And, how old were you when you cut all contact with him?"

"I was about 14 years old" I glanced at Navi who curtly nodded at me smiling.

"And you said that you didn't love him?" I nodded.

After many questions, arguments and Navi almost punching Inder, the Judge came to a conclusion.

"After hearing everything we've heard, the jury has decided..."

Waheguru ji, please...

"Jasnoor Auja is sentenced to 15 years in prison for assisting in attempted murders and Inder Narula is sentenced to 30 years for multiple attempted murders."

A sob escaped my mouth. We won. We finally won.

"We did it buggad" Navi captured my lips in a loving and soft kiss.

My brothers and sisters all began dancing. Everyone was happy.

"This isn't over! You haven't won yet!" Inder screamed as they took him away.

"Yeah, sure." Arsh scoffed.

"Darpok" Simar rolled his eyes.

"We won" I claimed Navi's lips.

We won...

"Everyone has to come to our house for a celebratory dinner!" Mummy announced. 


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