Chapter 6

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Ishpreet Kaur

I'm cleaning out my room today. I need to get rid of the memories from my past since I'm getting married.

You're ruining your own freaking life!

I know I am but I don't have a choice. I love my family and their happiness is my happiness. So, I guess I am doing this.

I emptied one of the boxes only to find my diary from middle school and high school. The diary that has all of my Navraj moments.
I pulled the diary close to me one last time.

I sighed and walked outside where Arsh was working with Simar and Manan on the tents. The Roka is in one week in the backyard. Yes, we have the biggest yard I've seen in years.

"This is amazing bandars!" I looked around in away. My eyes landed on him.

Our eyes locked in an intense eye lock. My stomach is doing flips right now.

I eventually looked away and handed my diary to Simar.

"Burn it," I told him. He looked at me and then the diary, shocked, but sighed and nodded.

I did what was needed to be done...

● ● ●

"Here. Let's read it" Roop threw my diary on me. The same diary that I told Simar to burn.

"I told him to get rid of it" I sighed.

"Yeah, I wanted to read it again" she shrugged. I rolled my eyes at her. She's read my diary at least 15 times. And she's been in every one of these weird memories.

"You know, when you leave, imma come to your house like every fucking day" she snorted. Her facial features softened. "Is it true that when you saw Quismat for the first time, you cried because of Navraj? I know you did, but I could never understand why" she sadly asked.

"Did you watch it?" Mumma asked. I shook my head

"But mamu said it really good," my romance movie freak ass said. She laughed and I put the movie on

● ● ●

I ran to my bathroom after the movie was over and bawled my eyes out.

"Baba ji, I know I'm only 13. I know I don't know anything about love. But I know he's my first love. It's his 18th birthday in a few days and I'll be turning 14 this year. I don't want him to go through anything bad in his life. Keep him safe for me"

"I was stupid for crying over him" I deadpanned. The pain from that night never went away. I cried for him all night knowing he would never look at me the way I look at him.

It's the same even now. He can never look at me in the same way I look at him. I see him as an asshole, a piece of shit who broke my heart three times and did bhangra on it.



"Do you have to leave?" I glanced at my little sister who was about to start shedding tears. I shook my head and smiled.

"You do realize, that I'm only marrying that mother -no- that dipshit because I want to make our family happy" I laughed.

"He is a fucker" she grinned laughing. "Par yaar, I'm still 100 percent team NavPreet"

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