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For those of you who don't know, around a month ago, one of my friends died. I won't go into detail since that's a personal matter and you guys didn't know them, but I wanted to let you know that was something that happened. It's really hard when someone you grow up with just is suddenly gone? Like, they were a neighbor and a classmate, so we spent every day together when we were younger, even if we grew further apart in high school. And to know that they died in the fucking worst way possible, and I was only a minute away from their house when it happened, I couldn't tell you the amount of guilt I felt thinking that it was my fault I wasn't able to save them. They were the funniest, happiest person you would've met, never upset or angry. They made every day seem better. And although it's a new year, you always think about them, so I don't think it'll ever be easy to think about them, but I do know it gets better. Little by little. No matter what happens this year, I do it for them, hoping that they would've been able to do the same if they were still with us. I will forever miss them.

I would go more into this, but not everyone wants to stick around and read this. But I want everyone to know that you are loved and cared about, that no matter what happens, people will be there for you even if you don't know it. If anyone ever wants to talk about something that's happened to them, I'm here. Just know I care for you all, even if I don't truly know you. I love you all. Happy new year.

(because of what happened, I didn't edit this chapter, whoopsies my hand slipped. And the image reminded me of them, so it doesn't really relate to the story, but oh well.)

💮           💮           💮

My body runs cold, and it's summer with a house packed with sweaty people. My blood pumps faster as this anxiety rushes through me. Forcing myself to overcome my panic, I look up at him.

The speed of my heart picks up quickly upon seeing him. Unlike how he usually looks in casual clothes or his uniform. If it was possible, he looked more put together than ever before. He looks good.

Like many of the male teenagers here, he wears a nicer outfit. No matter how simple, it's a white button-up with sleeves rolled up to the elbows. He wears black pants with his hands slipped into his pockets casually. His dark hair has been touched up to look more presentable. Even if it was slight changes, still, he looks great.


"S-Sasuke," I finally utter, looking him in his dark eyes.

"I..." he pauses, staring at me wordlessly. I can't tell if he's speechless because he's awkward from our fight or because there was something else.

I inhale, finally taking control over myself and washing free of thoughts to replace it with a more concerning one. "W-what are you doing here?"

The Uchiha blinks, snapping out of whatever trance he was having. "Naruto dragged me here."

I raise a brow. "Naruto? He's here, too?"

He sighs, looking at the people around him as if searching for said person. "He heard Sakura was coming, so he didn't hesitate to jump."

That's right. Naruto has a crush on Sakura. How could I forget? Jashin, if only I could get him to take his focus off of her and help him see that Hinata is the right one for him! A girl can only dream.

"Oh. I didn't know."

He shakes his head. "It was a last-minute decision."

Awkwardly, I nod. Considering these are our first exchange of words in days, neither one of us knows what to say. "S-so... how have you been?"

He peers down at me, a little taken back by the question. "I'm fine. You?"

"I'm fine, too."

"That's good."

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