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I was in the north part of the city, the busy part, the part were all the serious looking people with suits and ties with businesses roam into their meetings and cars.

I never come to this part I never had the need to but Hermione's job is here.

Hermie said I could come here and and wait until she finishes work so we could go home together as she will finish early today. Home...

I decided to stay in the quiet region, the most quite I could get, to the Caffe she has brought me to before, our Caffe, it was very warm and cosy, with a woody decoration but looked very serious at the same time.

For the past days I've been with Hermione I've been getting to know her what she likes and doesn't.

She doesn't have many friends, not that she can't have them more likes she doesn't want to. She talks to a man sometimes, not often she says he's her family friend and they've known each other since their were little, Khalid. He says he wants to meet me!

That's the closest I've seen Hermione to interacting with friends other than that she's at work, school or home but she doesn't look sad by it, I think she likes the quite solitary life.

She doesn't go out like the girls in school nor have I seen her with a boyfriend either.

However when it comes to me she goes out of her ways to make me happy. She smiles more often, even takes me out to places even if she has work or if she's tired.

I figured I would get Mia something, she has a big thing at work today, nothing a good brownie won't fix.

I walked into the Caffe, another reason why I didn't come to this part too often was because everything was so expensive but I hope the quality justifies it.

They had different brownie flavours like 10 different which is amazing.

I got in the queue and quickly felt out of place, I was squashed between a beautiful tall woman with red hair in a smart black suit and a tall man with curly hair and glasses speaking on the phone. I politely waited for my turn before like a big girl loudly enough asking for a double chocolate brownie and some green tea, take away.

Thanking the lady with a smile for the over priced food. I didn't want any of those weird coffees people drink so I would make a run to get a milkshake next door.

Before leaving the coffee I made sure to secure my food carefully and fix my walking pace to match this restless city's one, everyone has to be somewhere everybody minded there own business, not always the warmest of places.

Speeding up my pace so I didn't get run over by anyone, while securing my food, multitasking 101.

I felt proud of my myself.

But I forgot one of the other tasks, look where you're going.

In no time I hit the toughest wall in the history of streets. Mia's tea and brownie collapsed from my hands landing on someone's expense looking shoes.

Tears started to form on my eyes while I hysterically started to clean the person's shoes while gathering the spilled contents to throw them away.

While I heard a deep growl from above I looked up to see an angry man talking on the phone clearly upset with my encounter.

I sped up my cleaning before the man tugged my arm making me stand up while cursing.

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