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Taehyung sighed in comfort as his bottom plunged against the couch cushion. "So, what does that mean for you and Devora?" He questioned Jungkook, handing him a cold beer bottle doused in droplets of condensation.

He took the open bottle, ignoring the chills the frigid temperature brought upon him. "Hobi hyung says that things aren't over yet, between her and I." Pressing the rim up to his lips, relishing the flavor that emerged on his tongue.

It had only been a couple of days since the talk Hoseok had with Jungkook at the café.

That following Thursday, Jungkook invited Taehyung and Jimin over to his apartment, wanting a moment to just hang out and drink with them.

Jimin mumbled, clicking his tongue. "Are you gonna try and call her? Make plans to talk to her in person?" He sat crisscrossed on the floor below them.

Jungkook squeezed his hand. "I don't know, I considered it, but I just can't help but think why the hell would she even wanna hear from me." Shaking his head at the thought of it, staring at the wall.

"Bro, just call her." Teahyung sat up, resting his elbow on his leg. "You love her, and, yeah, you made a mistake walking out of that relationship. You both made mistakes, we all do."

"And, Hobi hyung wouldn't be telling you those things if he knew Devora was done with you." Jimin mentioned, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"Yeah, but he also said she would never admit she needs me back in her life." Jungkook pointed out, leg bouncing against the wood floor. "I can't just force her to talk to me."

"Well..." Taehyung muttered, licking his lips.

Jimin shook his head, disregarding Taehyung. "Dude, don't force her but win her back. Show her that you do still care about her."

He bit his lower lips, detailed thoughts sprinting through his mind.

"Like how?" Jungkook wanted their opinions, first.

"How did you get her in the first place?" Taehyung nudged his knee.

Jungkook sucked in a breath.

"Damn, I think it might have been the fact that I was there for her, and I truly cared. I guess?" He muttered, a thoughtful look on his face.

He couldn't exactly pinpoint how he got Devora in his life.

Was it the fact that both of them would bond at random times? Or perhaps it was the way he would hold her, and try his best to make her understand she was his world.

He treated her like royalty. There was no other woman who he would sweet-talk to when he was with Devora.

Hell, when he first met Devora, he was already thinking about her, and solely her.

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