The New York Times reckon it's the next big thing

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When Wonkru got back to the bunker which would have to do as their safe place for now Leoni was given a change of clothes

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When Wonkru got back to the bunker which would have to do as their safe place for now Leoni was given a change of clothes.

A wonkru change

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A wonkru change. After slipping into her new suit, re-tying her hair in a ponytail, positioning guns, daggers and swords down her clothes then pressing her Heda emblem to her war painted forehead she was once again the Heda who had pledged to lead Wonkru. Once ready Leoni sat Octavia down in the fighting pit and bandaged her arm up properly. Octavia didn't say anything at first. she noticed the girls locket and Luna's conclave tag hanging from her neck then noticed how her fingerless gloves were still the same ones Lexa had given her. she was still her Leoni. Maddie had come to watch the far from relaxing affair having instantly fallen in love with 'Aunty O'

"gross" Maddie exclaimed in awe at Octavia's blood soaked wound

"I know right" Leoni agreed. She was a 13 year old a heart. It was no lie.
"So the good news is the infection is passing the bad news is this is gonna hurt like a bitch..even you Bloodreina" Leoni warned
"Sure you don't want Jackson?" Leoni gave the girl a final chance to back out

"Jackson is needed in the Med bay. Plus you're the only one I trust to look after me" Octavia smiled and Leoni blushed in affection
"Your mother has saved my life about 400 times" Octavia told Maddie then hissed in pain when Leoni pressed the anti-infection to her gash

"Hardly, Aunty O saves my life every day" Leoni said back with a cheesy grin making Octavia roll her eyes jokingly

"So what's your story? Survived 6 years of radiation with this crazy woman? Someone should give you a medal" Octavia joked earning a nudge from Leoni

"Well I'm natblida but for the surviving with Leoni bit...I'm lucky i had my nomon and the rest of Trimanikru to hide behind" Maddie joked and Leoni just laughed

"Ah so it's you who'll take over as commander" Octavia nodded

"She's in training" Leoni smiled as she dabbed at Octavia's arm

"Yes...but not for a while yet. There's no killing Leoni Kane right." Maddie quoted her mother and Octavia laughed

"Not with me around there's not" Octavia promised and that meant a lot to Leoni
"And Nomon? is that Luna?"

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