2 ~ Wesley

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I tug at the stupid ropes. This is why I never let women be in control.

"Hey Siri, Code Red."

"Code Red, calling Ethan."

Laughter immediately comes through the phone. "I'm on my way."

Let's just say this isn't the first time, I've been in a situation with a woman and ended up like this.

Where did she even go?

Not even ten minutes later does Ethan come in. "Dude I honestly don't know why Zeke keeps giving you the bad eggs."

With another laugh, Ethan cuts me out of the ropes and I sit up, rubbing my wrists. I'm going to kill Zeke.

Quickly, I slip on my clothes and get the hell out of that place. Fucking women is great and all until it isn't. Like when they come attached and try to keep you in their bed.

I blindly follow Ethan to The Company. Typing in the keypad code I drive through the gates already knowing how I'm going to rip Zeke a new one.

When I step through his office, I find him mid make out session. Out of all the men here, Zeke is the only one that's married. But don't get anything wrong he used to play in the game too.

"Love birds you're making me sick," I groan flopping into the seat in front of his desk.

"Hi, Wesley." His wife deadpans.

"Hi, Mackenna," I taunt. She doesn't like me, but that's ok because I don't like her. Mackenna took my man out of the game. It used to be the three of us. Me, Zeke and Ethan. Unstoppable.

"Zeke please tell me why you keep giving me these clients. This is the third time in a month. It's ridiculous." I understand the price of being a male escort you get a few crazies, but not this often.

Zeke sighs. "Come on." Zeke says standing up. "If you want to talk about this you have to come with me to run a few errands."

Errands? What is he a woman? Jeez, Mackenna's really done a number on him.

"Fine. Ethan and I will be waiting in my car."

I leave the office, happy to finally be out of there. Mackenna's stare is creepy. "Ethan let's go."

He looks up from his phone and follows me out. A few minutes later Zeke climbs into the car. "The mall."

On the ride to the mall, I rant to Zeke on how he's been dogging me. I'm the only one who's had these problems. It's quite ridiculous if you ask me.

Zeke shakes his head and turns to me when I park and give him a chance to talk. "It's not my fault. I do thorough checks on who's coming and going. I make sure my men are safe, but sometimes a few bad eggs slip in. In your case, I suggest you let them stop tying you up or putting you in handcuffs."

"I like it." I wink at him and he laughs as he gets out of the car.

"You do that stuff with someone you trust, not a complete stranger."

Ethan is still on his phone and it has me wondering what's so interesting. "E, what's happening?"

"The game. I have money on it and my team is playing like they're Bambi walking for the first time." I laugh and look over his shoulder to check the score. He might have just lost some money. But they still have time to come back.

We walk into the mall and my mind is everywhere. My dad is on my ass, clients keep getting worse. Maybe I should actually put some use to my degree. Maybe.

Passing the Victoria's Secret store I can't help but laugh. All my clients get their lingerie from here. I've seen it all. But what I didn't see was the girl coming straight at me trying to adjust the bags on her arms. She connects with me and stumbles back dropping her bags.

"So sorry," she mumbles bending down to pick her articles of clothing.

I chuckle. She's cute. Then I saw the lingerie. I don't know why but I bent down and picked it up. Blue. Royal blue lace panties.

She immediately stands up and our eyes meet for a second before she snatches them out of my hand. Her voice is soft. "Thank you. Sorry, again."

Then she quickly scurries off to a group of girls. Blue, is now engraved in my mind and for some reason I really want to see what those blue panties would look like on her as I kissed along her thighs.

"Dude you good," Ethan asks, knocking my shoulder.

I nod and follow them. I wish I was able to get a better look of the girl. After hours of shopping we finally finish and make our way back to The Company.

"Next one that asks for you, I will make sure she is perfect ok?" Zeke says taking a seat on the couch.

I nod. I don't want to be here any longer because Mackenna likes to pop up out of nowhere. So creepy. "Just hit me up Zeke I'm headed out."

Stepping through the doors of my apartment is the best feeling ever. Especially when you are greeted by a lovely being like I am. Or usually am.

"Rex!" I call out to my German Shepherd as I feed my fish. I hear the paws scraping and soon I'm attacked. "Hey boy you miss me."

He barks in respond and I shower him with rubs and kisses. "Let's go for a walk boy."

He jumps up then runs to get his leash.

When all my friends fail Rex never will.

We walk a couple blocks use the bathroom then make our way back. The sun is starting to set and for some reason my mind goes back to the girl in the mall. I wish I had more time to look at her.

Not wanting to prepare my own meal, I stop by a small restaurant on the way home.

"Alright man, let's eat," I whisper to Rex as I take a seat on the couch and he goes to his bowl.

I watch the game and eat dinner, until I'm interrupted by my phone ringing. Zeke's name pops up on the screen.


"Saturday, 6:00. Hilton. Ask for the key at the front desk. Under Layne. This client is slightly submissive so use force. And she likes to do this coy thing at first so you know how to go from there. I'll send over her file."

"She better not be crazy or I will quit."

For some reason that makes Zeke laugh before hanging up. Finishing the last of my food, I eventually pass out on the couch.

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