40 ~ Eliana

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I think I love Mackenna. I know for a fact that my friends would love her. She has great taste in everything from music to movies to food. And these delicious pastries that she made has the potential to make me gain a lot of weight. It would definitely be worth it.

I shove another pastry into my mouth as she continues to ask me questions. A minute after Mackenna started talking to me. Wesley said he needed to go get something with Zeke and Ethan. It's obvious they are going Christmas shopping. They've been gone for three hours and Mackenna and I have watched two movies when the door opens and the boys come bustling in talking loudly and disrupting our movie.

"Baby!" Zeke calls out walking up behind Mackenna and placing a kiss to her cheek.

"Hi, Sweetness." Wesley comes following, sitting down next to me and pulling me into his arms.

Ethan comes last a bright smile on his face as he flips over the couch and nudges my side. "Hey wifey."

I roll my eyes and snuggle into Wesley's arms adjusting the blanket and going back to the movie. These days I barely get through a movie with Wesley where I'm not distracted by his kisses. It even worse when it's a movie he's not interested in. He doesn't seem to be interested in this one. I don't mind at all.

Christmas Eve is in three days and we are inviting over all our friends to Wesley's place so they can meet. And we can celebrate our Christmas together before we spend it with our families.

"How are you feeling?" Wesley questions playing with the hem of my dress.

Of course my tattoos are sore but Wesley is already helping me take care of them. He's so gentle and it's adorable. But each time Wesley helps me wash them it leads to something sensual. We still haven't had sex yet. But I think I know one thing I'm going to give him for Christmas. If all goes well.

Ethan looks at me with a smirk and I already want to roll my eyes for what he's about to say.  "So you weren't going to tell your husband that you got a tattoo?"

I roll my eyes and look at Wesley. "My husband was there with me when I got the tattoos."

I hear the muttered "fuck" leave Wesley's lips. "When do you want to get married?"

I don't have an answer to that. It was mostly a joke but now that I actually think about it, when do I even want to get married? If he asked me now would I say yes? My heartbeat picks up and Wesley notices it as his fingers trace the dolphin tattoo on my wrist.

"You okay?"

With a nod I adjust myself in his arms and rest my head on his shoulder as the movie plays. We will talk about marriage when the time actually comes and we are not in a room with other people. Right now I just want to enjoy this moment. So that's what I am going to do.

The night went by in a blur and so did the following week. Before we knew it, it was the day before Christmas Eve. We went back to work. That was an interesting first day back. I forgot I told Eleanor that I wasn't feeling good and when she told me she meant to call and see how I was doing, I felt bad. I lied to them. I've never lied to them.

Wesley sealed my lie, telling his parents that he made sure I was okay, but I probably shouldn't do anything too strenuous until I'm completely fine. He's really good at lying. I don't know how I should feel about that.

But now as I set the dining table I can't help but think about how happy I am. Rex follows me around as I set out the silverware and cups. Once everything is set I look over to my man doing the last touches on the food in the kitchen.

"Wes?" I sigh walking up behind him and resting my head on his back.


"Can you tell me something?"

He turns to me and cups my face in his hands. "What do you want me to tell you?"

I shrug. "Anything."

He nods and wraps me in my arms holding me as he whispers his sweet words in my ear.

"We should kiss.
Not because you passed my way by chance
but because you stopped
and I haven't been the same since."

If he keeps talking like that I might just cancel this dinner party and give him every part of me. I'm glad I met him. I'm glad our paths crossed. I'm thankful for my friends bringing us together and I'm even more thankful that his parents ended up being my boss. Fortuitous.

With my arms wrapped around his neck, I slip my fingers through his hair and pull him into a kiss. My feet immediately loose contact with the ground and my legs are wrapped around his waist as his fingers grip my bum. Naughty boy.

Instinctively my tongue pushes against his lips asking for entrance. I get it and his reciprocates, intwining with mine. With a long forceful kiss, Wesley pulls back and looks into my eyes. "You're so gorgeous."

As much as I would love to spend a lot more time in his arms making out, the doorbell rings. Tapping his chest, I hop down then go to answer the door while Wesley puts the food on the table.

"Eliana!" Trish, Layla and Emma exclaim simultaneously as I open the door for them and their husbands.

For some reason I feel like I haven't seen them in forever even though we FaceTime almost everyday. They look me up and down before their eyes widen. I already know what it is. Layla is the first one to speak.

"Eliana you got a tattoo!"

Wesley chuckles and walks up behind me tracing his finger down my spine. "She got a few."

I'm about to say something when a beat is knocked on the door meaning it can only be one person. I answer it to find Ethan followed by Zeke and Mackenna. The rest of the night was very interesting.

My friends loved Mackenna and the boys really bonded. Bonded so much that they all got drunk and nearly wrecked the place. But I must admit drunk Wesley is kind on hot and really adorable. He has freaked out twice because he didn't see me, and when he found me he made sure to give me a very passionate kiss. I was right next to him most of the night. Drunk Wesley is very daft.

Now we sit around the coffee table with all our presents in front of us. We open. The room fills with sounds of paper tearing and gifts being opened. Then the laughs come through as we look at the either sentimental or weird gifts we received. Ethan gave me lube, strawberry flavored. What the hell am I going to do with this?  When all the presents have been showed off it's safe to say everyone liked their gift. Or at least pretended to. For the rest of the night we watched a few Christmas movies with hot chocolate, allowing the guys to sober up before going home. Ethan continues to drink though, telling us that he would be sleeping on the couch.

When the night was over I hugged my friends goodbye before closing the door and turning to my hovering drunk boyfriend. "Make sure you shower and brush your teeth and tongue before coming to bed."

"You'll get Ethan a blanket?"

I shake my head. "You have three rooms. I'll help him get to one."

He chuckles and wobbles on his feet as he steps closer. "You scare the hell out of me Sweetnesses." What? "I'm terrified of losing you again. You make me so so so so so so so so...so very happy."

I don't know what to say to that. Massachusetts is still an option that I've been heavily considering. We could do long distance, couldn't we? But we can't do long distance forever. When I've said nothing, Wesley laughs and kisses my nose before slapping my ass and walking towards the bedroom.

"I want you naked tonight. I'll give you a great orgasm."

That didn't happen. He fell asleep before I even got in the room. After helping Ethan to a room, I cleaned up and gave Rex a kiss before heading to the bedroom. Wesley was sprawled out and naked. He's gonna have a hangover tomorrow.

Turning off the lights and stripping off my clothes, I climb into bed with Wes. One thing I will always love about him is how he manages to pull me closer even in his sleep. I don't know how he's going to take it when I tell him about the job offer in Massachusetts. This was one of my fears of dating him. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I do know that I don't want to think about that right now. So I close my eyes and pull the sheets over my shoulder, letting sleep take me.

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