51 ~ Eliana

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"Wes hurry up! I'm not going to be late for work."

"You're pregnant and still a goody two shoes," he groans walking out of the bedroom with his shoes in his hands.

Annoying and handsome, perfect combination. He comes up to me and places a kiss to my cheek, then greets the baby before stealing a bite of my breakfast wrap. "I'm ready, you aren't."

I'm the pregnant one and yet I've been able to get up, get dressed and make breakfast. Meanwhile the father of my child woke up ten minutes ago. At least Rex is helpful. For the past month he hasn't left my side. We told him we were having a baby, he just tilted his head at us. Then he started to never leave my side. Literally.

I drop him a treat then continue to eat my breakfast while Wes finishes up. When he catches me staring he just rolls his eyes, and stands to his feet, grabbing his keys and heading for the door. "I'm already at the door Sweetness."

"I don't like you," I grunt grabbing my sandwich and shake then heading to the door with a goodbye to Rex.

"You love me."

I do, but I'm not going to admit that to him right now. We take the elevator down to the parking garage and like usual take Wesley's car to the aquarium. I fed him the rest of my sandwich while he drove and now I'm kind of hungry again. Well not necessarily hungry, more like craving salt and vinegar chips. When I told Wesley he gave me a look that said "you're gonna make me go to the store to get you salt and vinegar chips aren't you?". Well that's what I interpreted the look as.

"How about I get you a fruit salad, because me and you both know you will eat the whole bag of chips then regret it later?" He asks playing with the hair at the base of my scalp.

"Are you calling me fat?"

His eyes widen in horror and fear. "No, no! Of course not. You're so gorgeous and beautiful and hot. So hot like—"

"I'm just gonna get to work." I pat his cheek and walk into the locker room to change into my swimsuit.

No one knows about me being pregnant. I don't really have any intention of telling them anytime soon until I actually start to show. The only people that know are Wesley and I...and Eleanor because she, I quote "noticed I was glowing more". Can't hide anything from her.

Most of the day goes by as usual. We take care of the animals, do the tours, and do playtime. I'm hopping out the pool when a sharp pain hits me in my stomach. That's not right.

I still, taking a deep breath before straightening up and moving again. Maybe a false cramp. I'll ask our doctor about it later today. I'm almost to Wes's office when the sharp pain hits me again. Something's not right.

"Wes!" I call out for him, as I collapse to my knees and try to focus on my breathing. Please don't let this be happening. Please God don't let this be happening. "Wes, something is wrong."

"What do you mean somethings wrong?" He calls back. I hear him shuffling and in seconds his door opens a few feet away from me.

"The baby," I cry, trying to push to my feet.

He's by my side immediately, helping me to my feet. "We're going to the doctor right now." I can hear the fear in his voice. The same fear I have coursing through me.

Another sharp pain hits, and a rushing heat washes over me. Then I feel it the liquid dripping down my thighs. I look down and I know. "Wes?" I sob out.

"Stop it, it could just be spotting or I don't know..." Water fills his eyes as he looks at me. "Come on baby let's go."

Things start to get blurry, emotional and physical pain hits me on both sides. "Wesley..."

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