42 ~ Wesley

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I flop on top of Eliana as she sleeps in bed. Rex barks and joins in helping me to wake her up.

"Wes! Rex! I'm up!" Her cute laugh meets my ears over Rex's barking.

She shoves us off and sits up, the smile never leaving her face. Geez Louise she is gorgeous.

"Good morning!" I greet, leaning in and placing a kiss to her lips.

The beautiful spark in her eyes makes my heart skip a beat. Then she attacks me, pushing me back onto the bed and jumping into my arms to shower me with kisses. I could stay like this forever, but she pulls away, resting her hands on my chest and looking down at me.

"Merry Christmas, Westie."

"Merry Christmas, Sweetness."

"Let's go open presents!" She exclaims hopping out of bed and running into the living room. I follow after her unable to contain my joy.

Yesterday around 5 Ethan finally felt good enough to go home. The rest of the night I watched tv with Eliana as we sat curled up on the couch. Now it's Christmas and I'm so excited to be spending it with my baby. I can't wait until she sees the presents I got her.

As she sits down in front of our mini tree I make us both cups of coffee just the way we like it. Then I walk over to where Rex and Eliana both wait, eagerly. She can barely contain her excitement as she fiddles on the floor. Rex senses it and gets excited as well, his tail wagging.

"Hurry up, Baby!"

I don't think she needs any more caffeine but I give her the coffee anyways. She's so cute.

"Ok you first."

Smiling, I set my coffee down and pick up a present with my name on it. I rip the wrapping paper off to reveal a box of Jordan's. When I look up at my girl her eyes are glowing with excitement as she waits for me to open the box. I lift the lid and release a breath.

"You got me turbo green Jordan's." My voice cracks as I look at the shoes I've wanted for a while. The only reason I didn't get them was because I couldn't find them in my size. She found them.

"I didn't know what to get you," she says biting her bottom lip nervously. "Ethan told me that you wanted them. That was around Halloween and I don't really remember what we were talking about because I was kind of drunk. But I searched multiple places for them and signed up for email and notifications for when they were available in your size. I got them the week after we started dating."

I love her.

Self consciously she pulls her knees to her chest and takes a sip of her coffee before telling me to keep going.

I unwrap the next item. It's another box. I open it and lift my brows at the blue lingerie and robe. Then a smile grows on my face when I realize what I've just been given.

I raise a suggestive brow to Eliana that makes her laugh and bite her lip. Then I notice the card taped to the lid. It has a very decorative "V" on it. Creative little minx.

"Keep going."

I unwrap the last gift to a book labeled "No Title".

"It's a copy of my completed book, but I couldn't think of a title. So for now it's no title."

This is the best Christmas ever. "Eliana I—"

"I know it's not a lot," she interrupts, tucking her hair behind her ear, nervously. "I didn't know what to get you but—"

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