16 ~ Wesley

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Today was hands down one of my favorite days. How can you top a picnic with Eliana? Watching the way the sun kissed her skin and how the wind blew through her hair. Then she would smile or laugh and everything managed to disappear.

Makenna suggested the picnic, finally being good for something other than nagging the hell out of me. She suggested if I wanted to win Eliana over I should do something romantic for her. I assumed I had done all the romantic shit, I've taken her out for dinner and lunch, and breakfast. I've cooked for her, brought her Dutch Bros, made her brownies and took her shopping for clothes, a coffee maker and blender. I'm whipped and I don't mind it because I love spending time with Eliana.

Eventually she will leave that prick she calls a boyfriend and then it will be my turn. If an official relationship with her doesn't work out, at least I wouldn't spend years wondering if one would and hopefully we would still be able to be good friends.

Setting a towel on the seat, I release Rex from the his leash and gesture towards the car for him to hop in. After closing the back door, I turn to Eliana. There's a cute smile on her face as she rests her head on her crossed arms that sit on top of the open window.
I step up to her and place my hands on the door. "Did you have fun?"

She nods and looks at me with shining eyes. "I did have fun. Thank you for today."

Playfully, I twirl her hair around my finger. "I hope you know I'm going to make you help me give Rex a bath."

She smirks and pulls back leaning back in her seat and reaching out for Rex who immediately climbs over the console and into her lap. "Me and Rex are ready to go."

Grunting I put the bags in the trunk then move to the drivers side. "Alright, let's give Rex a bath."

He barks in agreement. He actually likes baths. Mostly because he likes going to my parents house for them. They have a big backyard which is better than the bathtub at my place.

I pull off and head for my parents house while Eliana sings to the music playing through the speakers and passes Rex another treat. Apparently he really likes the treats that Eliana bought and he really likes Eliana. Me too, buddy.

I'm less than five miles from my parents place when Eliana tells me to pull over. Her calmness throws me off as I glance at her then back to the road. "What's wrong? I'm 10 minutes away from our destination if you have to go to the bathroom."

"Rex is peeing on me, Wesley."

Shit. Without a thought I swerve the car and pullover to the side. Eliana immediately climbs out and Rex jumps off her lap. I put the car in park and walk around to Eliana's side where Rex now sits obediently next to her. Her dress is ruined.

"I don't know why he did that?"

She sighs and bunches up her dress. "I don't think he likes me anymore."

Sighing, I walk around to the trunk and take out the blanket to give to Eliana. "He loves you. If he didn't he would ignore you. He knows not to pee in the car."

I step closer and begin to help her with her dress when she shoves me off. Quickly she undoes her dress and wraps the blanket around her before pulling the dress off from underneath.

Rex you actual dog. Laughing, I toss Eliana's dress into the backseat and turn to Rex who still hasn't left her side. "I think Rex just marked his territory."

Her eyes widen and I can't contain my laughs which earns me a shove from Eliana. Coming down from my laughter, I turn back to Rex and tell him to get in the car. When I close the door on him and call him a bad dog to let him know what he did wasn't good, Eliana falls for his sad dog eyes and turns on me.

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