27 ~ Eliana

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It's been a week since Emma's party and my friends have expressed vehemently how much they love Wesley. Of course they do, most people do. Including his parents.

I find it funny how Wesley claims to have this estranged relationship with his family yet works here for nearly a month and receives a promotion. Nepotism at its finest right?

"Eliana we want you to help him out wherever he needs it." Eleanor asks of me as we sit in their office. Numbly, I nod and stand to my feet excusing myself to get back to my work.

Wesley follows close behind taking my hand and pulling me to the side, out of sight.


"No," I grunt shoving him off and setting it all on the table. "I've worked here three years, I wanted it. You worked here three weeks and you get it."

He steps closer to me cupping my face and leaning in for a kiss that I immediately pull back from. Now is not the time and we agreed that things like this wouldn't happen until I officially broke up with Jacob. I'm going to do it, I promised him I would, but I haven't had the chance to do any of that. And right now definitely isn't the time.

His hand comes up for my cheek again, but I pull back. "Eliana—"

"I love your parents. I do, but I am not in love with their decision."

"Are you in love with me?" He questions randomly, catching me off guard.

I answer yes and quickly recant it with a "no". Honestly I have no idea but I don't need him getting any ideas until I'm completely sure that I'm in love with him. Stepping away from him, I go back to do my job. The job I work hard at.

I didn't realize how much the promotion affected me until two days have passed and I still haven't spoken to Wesley. Every time I look at him I get pissed off. It's unreasonable. He has his masters, and he's their son and this is just one more thing to push me to the other side of the country and I'm...lost.

I've made it through most of the day, without any interactions with Wesley or Jacob. To me that was successful. There's so much going through my mind and it's slightly overwhelming. I would love to just cuddle up in Wesley's arms and have him take all my worries away. But I can't because I haven't talked to him in two days.

Sitting by the empty pool Cupid used to reside in, I let my mind wander as I stare at my distorted reflection in the ripples of the water. Then another reflection joins me. I don't turn to look at him as he sits down next to me.

"Eliana, talk to me. I know you're upset." He whispers slipping his hand under my shirt and running his fingers over my spine.

Resting my head on his shoulder, I close my eyes and let out a soft sigh. "I'm selfish. I'm sorry, you deserved the promotion more, you're hard working and smart and amazing."

When I look up there's an annoying smirk on his face. "You are all those things too."

Running my hand over his thigh, I sit up and prepare myself. He should know about the decision I'll have to make by the new year and I don't want him hearing from someone other than me, but just as I begin to speak Jacob takes my hand and pulls me to my feet away from Wesley. "Let's go celebrate, Titus' birthday." He leans in for a kiss and I immediately turn my head to avoid his lips.

Wesley gives me a look. The 'I-thought-we-agreed-you-were-done-with-him' look. And I am but I'm still completely freaking out about how and when to do it. But there's absolutely no doubt that I want Wesley.

When the day's over I head home like always. Oddly I haven't been over to Wesley's house since the day we kissed at Emma's. I promise I'm not avoiding him, I just know that if I get alone with him I may do something that makes me feel guilty because I have yet to break up with Jacob. I will ASAP.

At least I intended to before Thanksgiving with the Cross', but when I called he was busy. After days of trying to tell him in person, I decided to just do it over the phone. According to my friends they believed he didn't even deserve a phone call. I should just text and say "we're through" and then jump Wesley. But I couldn't do it like that. I work with the man and I prefer there not to be hostility between the two of us when I break up with him.

I tried calling him twice as I was getting ready for today. Once when I got out of the shower and again on my drive to the Cross'. Both times I got no reply so I decided it was best to just let him spend time with his family.

No longer dwelling on those thoughts, I climb out of my car and adjust my dress, ready to see Wesley and his family. But when I step in and hear the words Wesley is saying, every part of me crumbles. My chest hurts and my breaths get shorter. Mr. and Mrs. Cross' eyes land on me.

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