18~ Eliana

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I wake up in pain with a sleeping man underneath me. Quickly climbing off the bed I head into the bathroom and splash water on my face before heading out of his bedroom and into the living room where my purse is. With a groan I sit down onto the couch and clutch my stomach. Searching through my bag I pull out Tylenol and take two followed with a lot of water.

"Slow down, sweetness. Don't want to drown yourself."

Standing up I pick up my clothes from last night. "I should get going I don't feel so well."

He stops me as I head for the door. "What's wrong?"

"My stomach hurts."

"I have a bathroom."

I don't think it's that type of pain, but Wesley doesn't need to know about my cycle approaching possibly in the next few days. Pulling away from Wes I quickly say goodbye and head out. When I get home I take another shower as the pain eases off. Then I get dressed for work and grab a pop tart before heading out the door. Luckily enough the pain eases enough to function. People say working out and eating healthy will help with cramps but I do that. My pms is so bad sometimes that I don't want to do any of that. But luckily it only lasts the day before I start and the first day when I actually start.

Walking into the locker room, I find Wes standing by my locker with a bag in his hand. "Beautiful, I got you Eggslut."

My stomach agrees with the fact that the pop tart I put in it wasn't enough. Eagerly I reach for the bag and pull out the bacon egg and cheese in it, immediately unwrapping it and taking a bite as I sit down on the bench. "Thank you Wes."

He sits down next to me and places his hand on my thigh. "How's your stomach?"

"I'm fine. I'll make it through the day."

With a nod he stands up and places a kiss to my cheek. "If you need anything just come to me alright?" I nod and finish eating before cleaning up and getting to work. The day goes by as usual. We had our last show with Cupid and I couldn't hold back my tears, luckily I didn't have to because I was in the water most of the time and no one was able to tell the better. Well no one but Wes who saw right through me. When we said our final goodbye to the crowd a video began to play on the screen. Videos collected overtime from when Cupid first came in, to the fun games we played together, feeding him, and then the final video Wes took a few days ago.

"How about we give one last goodbye to Cupid?"

The crowd says goodbye and Cupid and I wave goodbye to them. I climb out of the tank as Jenna gives everyone information. "If you want to support him going home, tomorrow morning at 7 we will be releasing Cupid back into the water..."

I head for the bathroom and splash fresh water in my face before stepping into a stall and relieving myself and receiving more bad news. When I step out the bathroom Wes is waiting for me but I need to get something out of my locker. Evidentially I don't have anything in there.

"No, no, no," I smack my locker and put my head in it.

"What's wrong?" Wesley's voice sounds behind me.

Turning to him I shake my head. "It's nothing."

"Come on tell me," he presses.

Once again, I do not want Wesley to know something that personal. We may be friends but we aren't that close. "I'm out of...sunscreen," I make up on the spot. I really need him to stop pressing.

His eyes widen and he makes his way over to his locker. "You can use mine."

Ridiculously nice. "I use a certain type. I'll just ask Jenna," I sigh looking through my locker one last time before closing it at the sound of Wesley calling my name.

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