45 ~ Wesley

920 35 5

The beginnings of Doria by Ólafur Arnalds plays through the speakers of Eliana's phone on her bedside table. I have never heard of the man before Eliana, I like some of the songs but it's not really my vibe.

Nevertheless, whoever's calling is not going to wake up my beautiful girl as she sleeps, so I pick up the phone and step out of the room before answering.

"Hello, you've reached Eliana's phone, how can I help you?" That was the most proper way I have ever answered a phone and I feel like Rex thinks so too as he looks up at me with a tilted head.

"Hi this is Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution calling for Eliana Layne, is she available?"

What would they be calling her for? I glance into the room to find her still asleep. "She's unavailable at the moment, can I take a message for her?"

"Yes, that would be great," the woman on the other end says. "Can you inform her that we would like to receive her decision by New Years so we know how to adjust accordingly. We really hope she accepts the job offer, we are looking forward to her joining our team in Massachusetts."

I feel my breathing slow as I try to register what she is saying. Eliana received a job offer in Massachusetts and didn't tell me. Why wouldn't she tell me? Is she going to take it?

"Sir?" The woman on the other end interrupts my thoughts.

"Thank you, I will relay the message. Have a nice day." I hang up and look at Rex as if he'll answer all the questions in my head. He can't, but I'm going to force one girl to.

Walking to the room I stand in the doorway, opening and closing my fists in an attempt to rein in my anger as she stirs on the bed and her eyes flutter open. Why does she have to be so beautiful, it's only making this hurt even more. Then she smiles at me. I don't smile back.

"Good morning, Handsome."

With my jaw set, I glare in her direction as she sits up. Her messy curls stick to her face and any other day it would be adorable as hell if my anger wasn't winning out.

"What's wrong?"

I toss her phone onto the bed. "The research facility in Massachusetts called. They want your decision by New Years."

Realization sets in and she quickly climbs off the bed and rushes towards me. "Wesley I—"

"When we're you going to tell me?" I ask taking a step away from her.

She shakes her head, her eyes pleading with me. "I tried to tell you a while ago, but Jacob pulled me away and I told you we needed to talk and—"

"I thought you meant about our future. Together. Marriage, Kids, a house with a lawn instead of my condo."


"Are you going to take it?" I want to know. I deserve to know.

Her downcast gaze tells me everything. Accompanied by her words I can safely assume she was going to take the job. "It's a great job, Wesley, but—"

"So you're going to leave me again?"

She stands there in front of me a growing fury in her eyes. Well I guess we're both angry. My reasons are justified what are her reasons?

"If you would just listen!" She groans reaching for me again.

I don't want her to touch me because I know I will fall weak for her. My resolve will crumble. I need that resolve right now. I need to stay strong because she makes me weak.

"Are you going to take it?"

Her brows furrow and she shakes her head incredulously as if I'm in the wrong. "It's a great job Wesley."

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