4 ~ Wesley

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I'm supposed to arrive to the hotel in an hour and I haven't even taken a shower yet, because of one idiot.

"Let's hope this girl is not psycho," Ethan yells from the room.

"Why are you here?" I yell back from the shower.

Rex barks in response. "Seeing you out on your date."

I can't stand Ethan at times, but I've known him and Zeke since middle school. I trust them with everything, plus they are very supportive when my parents aren't. They know what I do, but aren't ok with it, they much rather have me working for the business.

I let the water run through my hair and down my back. I'm in dire need of good sex. All week I've jacked off to the blue panties. I'm fucked.

After a shower I slip on a simple black suit and towel dry my hair.

"Alright asshole, look after my boy. I should be back later on tonight."

"Have fun. Hopefully she's tight."

With a chuckle, I leave the apartment and go to the hotel. When I arrive to the place, I walk straight to the front desk and get the key under Layne.

Arriving to the door exactly at 6 I take a breath before opening it. I'm met with the sight of a a beautiful woman in a black silk robe. Clear honey skin covers her body and fluffy curls frame her face. A very beautiful face with wide brown eyes the color of desert sand at a horizon, a cute button nose and delicious lips. She strangely looks familiar.

I've been with multiple woman, but this one is pulling at my heartstrings. She looks nervous, like it's her first time, but then I remember what was in her file. I step forward and she backs up.

She's beautiful, and cute. I walk up to her and take her waist into my hands. A small gasp leaves her lips. She stares up at me and I pull her hands from around her to have access to her robe. Soft material, but I want it off. I want to know what's hidden underneath.

I open the robe and push it open to reveal a blue lace bra and blue panties. My heart skips. The blue panties I've thought about for the past week, now sit on this woman's body in front of me. Then I do something I've never done before. I kiss her. In that moment I wanted her, not because she was a client but because she was sexy as fuck.

But then she stopped me and now I'm laying on her stomach waiting for room service as she reads me a book and for some reason I truly enjoy it.

I play with the lace on her bra and gently begin to tug it down. Of course the one girl I want naked isn't.
"Wesley, I know you have this whole job and probably even an ego thing of satisfying your clients. But I'm not having sex with you. If you're that desperate for a release, you can go jack off in the bathroom."

"Why can't I just jack off right here and cum all over your stomach? Or you can turn around and I'll cum on your pretty ass."

Her mouth opens in a retort but a knock at the door cuts her off. "Room service."

She quickly scrambles off the bed to grab her robe and I chuckle as I move to open the door. I open the door wide to allow him space to come in. He rolls the cart in and glances at Eliana fidgeting in the corner. She makes it look like I kidnapped her.

"Are you okay miss?" He glances at her then back to me.

She nods and I hold my hand out to her. "Come here baby." She glares at me, but walks over nonetheless. "I got you chocolate covered strawberries. And wine. I figured you might be hungry so I got dinner too."

She catches on smiling and lacing her fingers through mine. "Thank you, Baby."

"Maybe I should've gotten whipped cream. Licked it off you."

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