31 ~ Wesley

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Home sweet home.

Turning into my sweetness, I place a soft kiss to her pouty lips. I love waking up to her in the morning. Last night after work she came over. Sadly we didn't do anything, but she hasn't been over in almost two weeks and I've missed her so I'm perfectly fine with just being with her.

"Five more minutes, Wes," she moans turning her back to me.

She's so beautiful. The way her hair falls wildly around her face is so adorable. Gently I turn her onto her back and begin to drag my fingers up her bare stomach and over her satin bra.

It's amazing how attracted I am to this woman. I actually waited three years in the hopes I would find her. I quit my job because she wrecked me. The worst part is I don't regret one minute of it. Then again maybe that's the best part. I'm going to marry this woman and I'm pretty sure we both know it. Before Eliana I never even thought of marriage and now she's already had me thinking about kids.

My baby's eyes open, just as I bend down and begin to trail kisses over her cleavage. When my fingers slip between her thighs and over her warm mound is the stopping point for her as she grabs my wrist. Chuckling, I pull back to look at her and place another kiss to her lips.

"Good morning, Sweetness," I greet.

She hums and wraps her fingers around my biceps. "I like waking up to you," she says sweetly.

"I like waking up to you too." I kiss her again. I will never get tired of kissing her. Her brown eyes glow when she looks up at me and it makes me happy. She makes me feel...I don't know, but I like it.

Without thinking about what she's doing to me, Eliana pushes me down next to her and brings her thigh up to rest on top of mine. If she does realize how much her spread legs are tempting me to touch her she's doing a good job at concealing it. Too bad my dick gives away everything for me.

When I look back down I find Eliana watching me. "I always oversleep when I stay with you," she says. "I never hear my alarm."

That's because I always disable it, I think to myself. Or at least I thought I thought it to myself but when I get hit on the chest I can assume that thought did not stay in my head.

"How do you even know my password?" She questions.

"It's Cupid." Her password was one of the easiest things I had to guess.

Eliana seems to be appalled by my actions as she climbs on top of my lap and hits me. Key word: seems to be. She doesn't look that mad to me. If anything she looks sexy as hell scolding me for turning off her alarm. She tells me not to do it again.

Her words fall on deaf ears.

Laughing, I flip Eliana underneath me and begin to tickle her sides as I watch the way her head tilts back and beautiful laughs leave her smiling face. "Is it bad I want to spend more time with you, Sweetness?"

Her laughs die down as she takes my hands and stops me. "No."

When she tilts her head up I meet her half way claiming what's mine and loving every second of it. The amount of bliss that surges through me brings my whole body to life. Eliana Layne is finally mine.

I don't miss the way my not so innocent girl gasps when my erection pushes against her. I still remember the shock in her eyes when we were in the shower together. The dick that will never fit. That memory plays over and over in my head on repeat. Eliana's bare curves in mine and warm water dripping down our bodies. The occasional kisses she would let me have and the way she turned into me and wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing her body against mine."Mmm."

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