11 ~ Eliana

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A heavy arm sits on my chest. I open my eyes to find Wesley in all his tatted handsomeness sleeping peacefully underneath the covers.

"Don't move, unless you're snuggling closer." He grumbles against my shoulder.

I run my finger over his arm and down to his waist. "Good morning."

"Don't move because I intended on making you breakfast in bed."

Closing my eyes, I turn away from him only to open them and come face to face with Rex. Meanwhile, behind me, Wesley drags his hand down my back and to my underwear. His touch sends tingles between my thighs and I sit up immediately, petting Rex's head and climbing out of bed.

"I'll take Rex out and you can get started on breakfast. We still have to get to work."

"Kiss," Wesley pouts with his eyes still closed.

I smile and walk over to him to place a kiss on his nose then grab the leash for taking Rex out.

"Get up if you're going to make me breakfast."

Rex follows me as I walk out and I quickly pull on my shorts from yesterday before leashing him up and heading out the door. The second I step out, I release a breath. What am I doing? This isn't two years ago when I could just wake up in bed with him and not worry about anything. I have a boyfriend and every second I'm with Wesley I'm betraying Jacob. But I can't stop this stupid pull of attraction that I have for him. It's like I've known him forever and we never had a two-year gap in our relationship. Wesley makes me think dirty thoughts and feel naughty things in very inappropriate areas. And I want him. But how sure could I be when this is or was his profession? What if I'm just that stupid score that he missed two years ago? Jacob is safer. Right?

Rex pulls me toward the exit as soon as the elevator doors open. He must've really had to go. After cleaning up with a doggy bag and letting him roam around we make our way back upstairs.

I'm starving and I hope Wesley has breakfast almost ready. I also hope it's good. The scent of bacon and French toast fills my nose.

"Eliana, the food is almost done get cleaned up and I'll set the balcony table. We will eat outside."

Unhooking his leash I walk to the kitchen sink to wash my hands while Wesley works at the stove.

"Peppers in your eggs are fine right?"

"Yes," I reply curtly as I dry my hands and leave the kitchen. Why does he have to be so hot and tempting? Why does he have to be Wesley?

I've imagined moments like this. Waking up in bed with my boyfriend, him making me breakfast, and us eating it together while we talk and relax. Instead, it's Wesley. But having Rex here does make it worth it. He's currently eating from his bowl so instead of playing with him, I head to the couch.

I feel Wesley's eyes on me for a few seconds before he finally talks. "We still have about fifteen minutes for the potatoes. You can take a shower, take some clothes out of my drawer if you need to. I'll have the food prepared and set up by the time you come out. Plus your toothbrush is still here from last time."

Nodding, I stand and head back to his room. I'll do anything to clear my mind from the sexy shirtless man in the kitchen.

Stepping into his bathroom, I admire the fixtures. A bath sits to the side with a separate shower next to it. A double vanity sink lines the front wall with a toilet across from it on the back. Black tile, gold accents, large mirror, and glass doors.

With a deep breath, I strip off my clothes and turn the knob on the shower to watch the rainwater flow from the top. Oddly the last time I took a shower around Wesley we both ended up naked and together in the shower. I lock the door, then step into the shower to wash my body.

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