Post Epilogue ~ Eliana

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"Hi sweet girl," I hear Wesley coo from Sailor's room. Her crying reaches my ear and I sigh knowing what time it is. My nipples definitely know what time it is.

"No, I don't have nipple milk like Mama does, but I will take you to go get some because I love Mama's tits just as much as you do."

What is wrong with my husband?

Stepping into the room I take Sailor out of Wesley's arms and grab her towel so I can breastfeed. "Is daddy weird?"

She ignores me and tugs at my bra.

"I just think my baby and I have the same interest," Wesley says kissing my shoulder. "Do you need help latching?"

I can't contain my laugh as I turn to him. "Go make breakfast, we have to go to work."

Wes nods and kisses my cheek before heading out. I feed Sailor, eat breakfast then get us both dressed. Sailor comes to work with us and Wesley or I will watch her or her Nana and Papa, Jackson and Sierra also pitch in when they can. Sometimes her aunts and uncles will even come over on their breaks to see her. This is our family. Our aquarium.


It's finally complete!
It was actually complete when I started uploading it but I got behind on updating the chapters. Sorry 😣
Anyways thank you all for reading I hope you enjoyed Eliana and Wesley's story. It was...interesting. I always like what I'm writing when I'm writing and then the second I finish and reread it a few times I hate it but as long as you guys like it, I'm happy :) I love listening to your feedback and once again thanks for reading.💗💖

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