13 ~ Eliana

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The 15 minutes go by fast and with every second of it, I felt guilty like I was doing something wrong because I enabled Wes's arms around me. I caressed his arms and traced his tattoos and for some reason, my mind had dirty thoughts about the things his fingers can do. The worst part of all is I've never had this type of connection with Jacob or even felt that safe and happy in his arms. I'm being dumb right, it's obvious I like Wesley, but I can't be with him. He said it two years ago that he fucks and leaves.

And that small feeling in the back of my heart telling me that he's going to leave me is pushing me in Jacob's direction. He's an escort. Soon he'll get tired and want to go back. Maybe he already did. He admitted today that he was trying to get his rocks off.

People around me don't stay for long. In high school, my friends came and went. I was never on the same level as them, I couldn't keep up. I found more solace in books and marine documentaries. I'm surprised I managed to keep Emma, Trish, and Layla this long. My parents didn't stay very long either, they took their own life and every time I think of it, I feel like it's my fault. I was a baby, but my aunt told me every day that it was my fault and when I went to college I left and never turned back. My family didn't care. I was the bastard child who sent my parents over the edge and they made sure I knew about it.

Glancing at Wesley, I can't help but smile at the small spark in his eyes. It's cute. He's cute.

Once again he's ordered food for me and I can't argue because the things he gets me are usually good. Especially when I don't know what to get. Last time I just got a salad because Wes didn't order for me. It's stupid how I've come to depend on him getting my food when we go out to eat together. As long as he pays and the food is good, I don't think I can complain.

"What did you get?" I ask taking his hand and running my thumb along with the chain tattoo on his wrist.

He smiles and licks his lips. "Porchetta sandwich, garlic knots, and ribs."

His smile is contagious, and I can't wipe mine off. For a minute we sit there smiling like idiots before I finally turn away and drink my water.

Then curiosity gets the best of me. "So where were you today?"

Shrugging he looks out the window. "I tried to fuck somebody."

I laugh and shake my head. "What?"

"I called up Zeke to give me a client and he gave me one."

For some reason that stings a little. I don't know why because I'm not even with Wesley and he can do whatever he wants but apparently my emotions think differently from my actual logic because my throat tightens. Clearing it, I look out the window at the cars and people. "I thought you were done with that. How was it?" Please don't tell me. My eyes move between two people arguing to a family crossing the street. I wonder what's going on in their minds out there, I would really love an escape from mine.


Wesley's finger gently brushes my cheek as he turns my head back to him. There's an odd tenderness in his eyes. "I didn't go through with it."

I hold in my sigh of relief. "Why not?"

He moves his hand to the strap of my swimsuit, then snaps it against my shoulder before pulling back. "I just didn't."

The food finally comes and we change the subject from his sex life to something easier. Like Cupid possibly being able to go home, which I am so excited and nervous about. I love him and now I have to set him free.

When we finished dinner Wes paid and we made our way out, climbing into his car to go to the mall. From there we went into around 10 stores, buying clothing, skincare products, and my blender and coffee maker which Wes took to the car so he wouldn't have to carry them from store to store. While he was outside I managed to sneak into Victoria's Secret and buy some more underwear and a robe. Then I quickly hid the things I got in the bag of clothes that were already in my hand and met back up with Wesley.

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