Epilogue ~ Wesley

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"What's up with the car?" Eliana questions coming out onto the front porch as I step out of my new Mercedez.

With a shrug, I walk up to where she stands at the top of the steps. "I just wanted a new car," I reply, grabbing her waist and running my fingers over her bare stomach as I place a kiss on her lips.

Today I traded in one of my sports cars for a Mercedez SUV. I thought it was time. A few months back we finally finished building our dream house and moved in. It's not too far from the beach and it's also a good distance between all our friends and family. Eliana picked out the area. I never actually took in all the considerations for a living location.

She researched school districts and surrounding areas, then finally settled on this large plot of land, perfect for starting a family. From there we built our home.
It's one story because we both agreed we didn't want a two-story. We went for a contemporary modern design with a touch of traditional. Eliana loves the large ceilings and natural light with an open design. The house came out amazing. 5 bedrooms each with a bathroom, an office that Eliana and I share, a morning room, and an enormous family room that opens into the kitchen that includes a walk-in pantry and custom cabinets and appliances. The gym, the dog room, the kid's room, the list goes on. It's everything we've ever wanted. We worked for months with architects and designers to get the home we intend to spend the rest of our lives in and I can say it came out amazing.

"You don't think we should've talked about this beforehand, Wes." She scolds pushing my hands off from roaming over her bikini. "We just finished the house and you go get a car."

I smirk and kiss along her neck, loving the way her head tilts back and she submits to me.

"I thought you would like it," I whisper against her ear as I drag my hand up her stomach and towards her breast.

Cupping my face she looks into my eyes. "You're trying to distract me and it's working."

"Let me show you the inside," I say with a smirk as I take her hand and pull her along.

I hold the driver's door open for her and help her in, then move around to the passenger side. Then I start to tell her all about the new car I bought for her.

"It has heated and cooled seats and cupholders. It also has ambient lighting and great speakers because I know how much you like to blast music when driving." She rolls her eyes and I smile as I keep going telling her all about the safety features and other aspects of the car to ensure max comfort and reliability.

"It's a nice car, Baby, but we have multiple cars already," she reminds me.

Sighing I climb out the car and open her door. "Just look at the back with me, ok?"

She nods and takes my hand.

"It has three rows of seats." I open the trunk to reveal everything in it. "And a spacious trunk."

Her brows furrow as she looks at the baby materials. Diapers, clothes, stroller, car seat, ect. "Are you trying to tell me you want to try again?" She picks up a teddy bear and smiles.


Turning to me she meets my eyes as I stare at her. "What?"

This woman. "Baby you're late. By two months."

The first expression I read is shock. "Two months. There's no way, Wes..." Her words fade as she begins to do the math in her head then realization dawns and she looks down at her stomach as if it will tell her. Maybe it will I don't really know how it works.

"You're just now telling me that I've been late for two months!" She exclaims.

I laugh and pull her into my arms. "You don't keep track of your own cycle?"

She shakes her head and places her head on my shoulder. "Emma did that and then when I got pregnant we got out of sync. Then the miscarriage happened and that messed it up and I just haven't paid attention..."

With wide eyes she pulls back and looks at me. "There could be a baby in me? We could be pregnant!"

Unable to contain my smile I grab a pregnancy test from one of the many items in the trunk and pass it to Eliana. She takes it and runs into the house. Laughing, I close the trunk and follow after her. A minute later she comes out of the bathroom anticipation on her face. Now we wait.

"Okay if I'm pregnant we take that new car you got and we go straight to our doctor. And we also have to figure out how we are going to do the bedroom because there's option 1 with the ocean theme or we can go with option 2." She paces as I hold the stick in my hand. "We also have to baby proof everything and then we have to get stuff...but you already got stuff so we should be good."

Setting the stick on the side table I stand up and stop my wife from pacing back and forth. "We have about 7 months before that happens. And we are definitely going with option 1 for the bedroom."

She laughs and tears come to her eyes as she looks at her stomach and back at me. "I don't want to loose this one."

My heart aches at that thought, but I believe in this baby. "We will do everything to ensure that our baby is healthy, okay?"


I wipe her tears and place a kiss to her lips. "I love you, Sweetness."

"I love you too."

I nod and pick up the stick ready to see the results seeing as our time has passed. My heart swells at the results and Eliana jumps into my arms before I can even tell her.

"We're having a baby!" I cry as I look at the stick one more time to confirm.

Were finally having a baby!

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