32 ~ Eliana

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Working with Wesley is not going to be easy. I mean it wasn't that easy before, but now it will be even harder. How can I even go a minute without kissing his plump lips that always taste so good? I wonder what type of chapstick he uses.

You see what I mean? I can barely go two minutes without thinking about this man. And apparently he can't either as he approaches me over by Titus' pool. I shy away from his sweet kisses against my neck. It's obvious he loves PDA. Especially when Jacob is watching.

Jacob has been trying to talk to me all day. I ignored him. But the final time when he approached me asking for me to forgive him I told him I was going to break up with him for Wesley anyways. I shouldn't have said that but it slipped through and the look on his face was worth it. I'm such a terrible person.

My guilt of telling him wore off in seconds when he told me that he always knew I was fucking Wesley behind his back. I just laughed and told him that Wesley was the greatest guy I've ever been with. And it was the truest statement I've ever said. He left me alone after that but I don't miss the ways he stares at me especially when Wesley is around. My Wesley enjoys the attention though.

"Let's make him jealous," Wes suggests wrapping his hands around my waist and continuing his soft kisses along my neck.

I'm pretty sure he's already succeeding. But I don't want to do that. And when I tell Wesley he does that stupidly cute pout.

"Come on, Baby."

Taking his hands in mine I turn my head into him and brush my nose against his. I don't know why but I like doing it. It's a very simple and sweet gesture to convey how much I adore him. He repeats the gesture to me and I can't help but smile.

Sighing, I push Wes's hands off and look up into his eyes. "I really just think you're doing this for your own satisfaction."

He chuckles and shrugs glancing at Jacob. "I am. I will gain the satisfaction of him realizing what he lost."

Softly, I run my fingers over the tattoos on his arm and pull him down towards me. "Thank you, Westie."

He laughs and grips my face, pulling me into a deep kiss. My smile only grows at his affection. Is it bad that I'm not sad my boyfriend was cheating on me? I was basically doing the same thing with Wesley. And I know Wesley would get mad if he knew I was thinking this right now. I said it last night and he told me not to compare myself to a prick. Then he smacked my ass and told me to meet him in bed.

"Let's get back to work, Sweetness, I can't play favorites."

I glare at him. He can't be serious. "You're the one that started it, you asshole."

He chuckles and gives me another kiss before slapping my ass and walking off. I'm definitely going to get him back for that. And eventually I did. That evening when I met Wesley in the locker room I gave his butt a nice hard slap and grab.

When he turned to me with a slacked jaw I couldn't help but burst into laughter before running out. He smirked and followed then pushed me into an empty pool. Growling, I hop out of the pool and shove him before stomping away. His laughter follows me as he runs behind me.


Glaring at him I continue to walk backwards. "You're an asshole Wesley. You've smacked my ass and grabbed it multiple times and I've never shoved you into the pool."

All he does is laugh and jog to catch up with me before picking me up and carrying me to his office. "I didn't mean to shove you that hard." He's still laughing and it's annoying as hell.

The second we get into his office I shove him off, and he just laughs as he closes the door and blinds then pulls me back and slowly begins to pull my wet top off. I don't stop him as he stares into my eyes and pulls my shirt over my head. Next he moves to my bottoms hooking his fingers into my underwear and ever so slowly dragging them down with my jeans.

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