5 ~ Eliana

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A heavy arm sits on my chest. I look down to see the array of tattoos. If only we met under different circumstances and he wasn't an escort I would go out with him. Then again, who am I kidding I never would've looked in his direction with all the tattoos covering his body. But I'm glad I got to meet him.

I pull his arm off and head to the bathroom to take a shower and change into new clothes.

"Eliana," I hear Wesley's low voice halfway through my shower. 

Then the bathroom door opens and he steps in. Quickly I cover myself as he walks over to the toilet.

"Don't worry, babe, I've seen hundreds of naked woman."

I roll my eyes and step back under the spray of the water. Closing my eyes I pretend he's not there. Until he is. Right behind me, his hands on me and a bare erection pressing against my back.

"Good morning," he whispers spinning me around to him.

Wet hair and a wet body suits him. I look down and my eyes widen. I felt it every time I was pressed against him but I tried my best to ignore it. Now it's stands in front of me half mast and rising every second. Long, thick, and veiny.

"That would've never fit inside of me," I comment in shock.

He laughs and pull me into his arms to place a soft kiss to my lips. We shower and then he helps me out. Surprisingly he was a gentleman. Well as much of a gentleman for someone who climbs into showers without permission.

"I ordered breakfast. It should arrive soon."

Definitely seems like he would've been great boyfriend material. But I doubt I will ever see him again after this day. And it's fine, because I had a really good time with him and it was a fun experience.

Of course the one guy I've actually liked in a long time isn't for me, but it's okay. Besides, our lives are so different we would never go together.

After drying off I slip on my underwear with a black mini skirt and a white collared shirt. The door opens and the scent of food fills my nostrils as Wesley lets the man bring in the cart.

"Let's eat gorgeous," Wes holds his hand out to me as he sits in the sitting area in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

I walk over to him and sit in his lap. We eat breakfast.

"So I guess I probably won't see you again after today will I?" For some reason that makes me a little sad.

"It's not that hard to find me."

I trace the contour of his abs and back up until I'm cupping his face. "You're a great guy." I place a soft kiss to his lips and move away from him to pick up my stuff.

Wesley stands and moves to grab his clothes from last night. I know he had no intentions of staying the night with me and I had no intentions either.

He opens his wallet and starts pulling out bills. "I only have 1,350 on me," he says holding out the money in his wallet. "I can give you the rest later."

Laughing I push it away. "No. My friends paid 5,000 for your company and it wasn't bad. Plus it was a discount from your usual 20,000 so..."

His brows furrow. "What?"

"I paid for your company," I repeat confused.

"No, not that. You said I have a discount on me." I nod. "I'm going to kill Zeke."

He opens the door and we find my friends already standing there. There are smiles covering their whole faces.

I don't notice Wes's hand until it's tucking a curl behind my ear. He places a gentle kiss against my lips. "You know where to find me, Baby."

With that he leaves me with my friends beaming at me. "You're no longer a virgin."

I give them a weak smile with a shake of my head. "Let's go."

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