24 ~ Eliana

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I'm awaken by the sound of objects moving around at first I suspect an intruder, then I remember that I invited the intruder in. Opening my eyes I find Wesley rummaging through my bedside table.

"Wesley what are you doing?" I question with a raspy voice.

He pulls out something from my bottom drawer that causes me to pause. Wesley turns to me with a smirk as he holds up a very exotic toy that I forgot was even in there.

"What is this?" He questions pushing up to his feet and sitting down next to me on the bed as if he found what he was searching for.

What was he searching for?

Sitting up I stretch and reach for the item in his hand. He pulls back awaiting my answer. "It's a toy," I deadpan.

His eyes fall to my open robe and this time I make no attempt to close it. I don't really think it matters anymore. He's holding a sex toy in his hand.

A chuckle leaves his lips as he observes the object in his hand. "What type of toy?"

"A toy you play with."

"How do you play with it?"

"I hate you." This man is ridiculous and lacks the concept of privacy.

Another laugh leaves his mouths as he moves closer and drags his hands up my thighs. "How often do you play with it?"

I don't miss the look in his eyes. He's extremely interested right now so I decide to have fun and tease him. "I use it whenever I think of you."

He lifts a brow. "Use it."

He can't be serious. "No!" I tell him that I've never used the thing and how I came about it. Two years ago after the night in the hotel my friends had a gift ready for me to celebrate losing my virginity. The vibrator was the gift. The second I got home I just shoved it into my bottom drawer and left it there for all these years, forgetting all about it until Wesley brought it back out.

He shrugs and wraps his hands around my waist then pulls me into his lap. "You don't need a toy to have an orgasm baby. Just call me whenever and I'll come running."

I laugh and cup his face placing a quick kiss to his nose. "Trust me I know you will."

"How about we go get some breakfast?" He asks leaning back on his hands.

He's so cute. But I think it would be better if I make breakfast seeing as I will probably eat out tonight. When I tell him that he agrees but only if I do it in my lingerie. My response is an offer for him to leave and get his own food then go home to never come back. Now I make breakfast in my robe, closed, might I add, as Wesley watches from the counter.

Today I think I should eat a good hearty breakfast knowing what I will be subjected to. Once I get into the groove of cleaning and organizing, I forget all about my hunger. I love organizing, but cleaning for me isn't my favorite part. But I doubt it's worse than trying to deny my attraction to the man who has now moved up behind me. Way worse.

Turning my head to him I push his hands off my waist. "Do you want to make the smoothies?"

"No," he whispers bringing his hands up to my arms and gently pushing my robe off my shoulders before placing a kiss right on my collarbone. "I want to practice making a baby."

Apparently one named Sailor. I have to give his imagination some credit Sailor is a cute name, but I have no intentions of practicing baby making with him or actually making babies with him.

Turning to him I barely get a word out before he pushes my robe off my shoulders and down my arms until it's laying in a pool at my feet. His large hands drag up my sides and around to my back. I get lost in his blue eyes as they roam over my body.

"Kiss me, Eliana."

"No," I object shoving at his chest in a weak attempt to push him off.

He brushes his nose against mine and I have to bite back my smile. He's so cute. And annoying. I believe I said that enough times to get my point through.

"Let me finish breakfast. I still have to get ready," I sigh turning back to the food. Wesley doesn't stop kissing me. Now he's just runs circles against my waist and places kisses along the nape of my neck as I try to focus on the food I'm cooking. But I kind of like the affection I'm receiving from him so I don't shove him off.

When I finish breakfast and make the smoothies, with no help from Wesley, I then set the table and eat with a very annoying man sitting next to me and playing with my bra strap like a kid. Only when I indirectly threaten him with the silent treatment does he leave me alone. Well at least leaves my bra strap alone.

But as we sit I can't help but let my mind wander to what it would be like to actually be in a relationship with Wesley. I bet it would be a lot like this, only more affectionate. I should drop Jacob, shouldn't I?

"Eliana stop ignoring me," Wesley groans pulling me into his lap.

Turning into him, I play with his ear as he takes a sip of his smoothie. "I'm not ignoring you. I'm just thinking."

"About what?" He asks softly.

Us. "Just stuff."

"Why are you with him?"

Apparently he already knows what I was thinking bout. I honestly don't have an answer or I guess it's more so I can't think of a reason why I'm with him. I think the real question should be: why am I not with Wesley?

"Can we not talk about him right now?" I ask resting my head on top of his.

He holds me closer and places a kiss to my neck. "You're not cheating on him."

Sighing I push off his lap. I am. We both know it. Even if I'm not actually having sex with him, we discussed it at the beginning when I first kissed him that this was wrong. But I don't have time to think about this, I really need to take a shower and get dressed for the day ahead of me.

I leave Wesley to get ready, taking a shower then slipping on a black bodysuit with baggy sweatpants and my sneakers. Next I pull my still straight hair up into a floppy bun. Once I finish everything I walk back out to find Wesley washing the dishes.

"I put your smoothie into a thermos." His wet hand comes out to me and I make my way over to him, stepping into his arms.

"Thank you, you have to go now. This is my alone time day."

"I understand, I guess I will take an alone time day as well."

I nod and walk him out then pull out all my cleaning supplies. The rest of the day I spend cleaning every part of my house until it's purified. I organize my closet by color and my drawers by shirt types. I'm not OCD but I can be on occasion. Like when I'm cleaning and organizing.

My aunt may have been a terrible woman but she did teach me how to clean and organize. When I lived with her I was basically Cinderella without the evil step sisters, fairy godmother, glass slipper, pumpkin carriage or even Prince Charming. But I do think I may actually have a Prince Charming only a phone call away.

When I finish cleaning my apartment it's nearly 6 in the evening. I'm starving. I know just what to get. Picking up my phone, I place a call to the pizza spot around the corner and order a personal pan of cheese pizza. Then I add breadsticks and wings.

After another shower, I slip on the gorgeous red lace babydoll that I received last year as a valentines gift from Jacob. I've never worn it but for some reason, today I want to feel...sexy. It's odd wanting this because I've never had this urge before but right now I want to feel beautiful and sexy, even if all I'm going to do is eat pizza, wings and breadsticks while watching Dexter. Sounds like a good night to me.

Laying down on the couch I pull the blanket over me and watch tv until the doorbell rings with my pizza. Picking up the money I set on the coffee table I quickly head to the door and open it. I'm greeted by the pizza man. I immediately pay him then head back to my previous position for the rest of the night.

Alone time.

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