26 ~ Eliana

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I thought about kissing you today
and yesterday
and the day before that.
I know I'll think about kissing you
and the day after that
and some more days after those days.
I think about kissing you
in your car, in the rain, on your doorstep.
I think about kissing your
dimple, your cheek, your spot.
I think about kissing only you
not anyone else
just you.

I've been sitting here for the past five minutes in nothing but my underwear rereading the text Wesley sent me. When I saw his name pop up I expected him to tell me to be ready when he got here. Then I received one of the loveliest text messages ever and now I can't stop rereading it.

We got off work at five which only gave me a short amount of time to get home and get ready. I took a shower and slipped on the blue lingerie that I haven't worn since three years ago. I was deciding against it when I received the text from Wesley. Now it's too late to change as he knocks on my door and I quickly slip on the dress I picked out to hide what's underneath. It's a cream dress and thankfully none of the blue underneath shows.

Picking up my shoes I rush to the door and open it for Wesley then rush back to my room to finish up. He follows after me. Walking into the bathroom as I brush my hair up. His hands wrap around my waist and his fingers begin to tickle my sides which does not help.
Giggling I tug at his hands and look at him in the mirror. "We have to go."

"Come on, I'll grab your purse."

I nod and finish my hair as he walks out before slipping on my clear heels and following. We make it to Emma's house a few minutes late and I already know I'm going to get my butt rung. I make Wes enter before me. He's a strong man he can handle it.

The moment we step into the house Emma comes rushing up to us, the reprimand on her tongue until she notices Wes. Her frown turns into a smile as she greets us and pulls Wes into a tight hug. "Come on in, we are all waiting in the living room."

This time Wes guides me ahead of him and we follow Emma to the living room where we greet all my other friends and their husbands and I introduce Wes as my friend. Which earns questions if I have broken up with Jacob yet from Trish's husband. Apparently no one likes him.

Wes sits down on the couch then pulls me down next to him placing his hand over my shoulder and playing with my hair as the questioning begins. We laugh and make jokes as wine gets passed around. They ask Wesley about his job and his personal life. Way too personal of a life. Like how many woman he's had. I doubt he's kept track and like I thought his reply is only "a lot". But when he turned to me and said "but now I only want one" that stupid thought from earlier came up. Who's the other girl that has his heart?

When I look down his brows furrow, but he plays it off by kissing my temple. It was a sweet gesture that everyone in the room noticed. Still I can't get that girl out of my head. Dismissing myself, I head to the bathroom and splash my face with water to clear my head. Why does the other girl even matter? I'm dating a guy. And he can be with whoever he wants. These conflicting emotions tug at me. Why am I making everything so difficult?

When I walk into the living room, I bump right into Wesley who once had a semi full glass of wine in his hand that is now covering my dress.

"Shit, Eliana, I'm sorry." I watch him stare at the stain that seems to get larger and larger.

"Why does a part of me feel like you did that on purpose?" I tease pulling at the ten dollar dress I'm wearing.

"I didn't Eliana."

Emma immediately comes up to us and passes Wes a towel that he uses to dab at my wine soaked dress.

I laugh internally as I watch him. "Wes it's fine."

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