9 ~ Wesley

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How did I get so lucky to meet this woman? To have her again after hoping I would see her for nearly two years? She's here and yet I still can't have her because she's taken by her prick boyfriend Jacob. But I don't want to think about that ass because right now she's in my arms drooling on my chest and I don't mind at all. Weird.

You may think I'm being unreasonable about her boyfriend. Then again you haven't seen what I've seen. Although I knew the second I met him, the past week has showed me a lot of things. Jenna, who is supposedly Eliana's friend, is sleeping with Jacob. Let's just keep that between us. I know if I told Eliana without actual proof she wouldn't believe me. She's oblivious and I hate how they are trying to take advantage of it. Eliana's too good for them.

Gently I rub my thumb over her revealed skin, loving the contact. I know she's conflicted with what she's doing with me even though she has a boyfriend. She has feelings for me, as do I her, but Jacob isn't as scary, I suppose. He's not really a risk to her heart because she knows she doesn't truly feel anything for him.

"Eliana," I whisper moving my hands down her sides and to her thighs that are placed on either side of my waist.

Rex barks causing Eliana to startle. With a cute pout she sits up and looks down at me, hands on my chest.

"Good morning."

She swipes at my chest and scrunches her nose. "Ew, I drooled on you."

Laughing I take a napkin from the coffee table and wipe my chest before pulling her back into my arms. "You want to go get breakfast. I need to take Rex out and there's this great bistro with outdoor seating. I usually go with Rex, he likes their dog treats that they sometimes offer."

I've never had to persuade a girl to let me buy her breakfast after she's spent the night. Mostly because I've never spent the night with a woman, until Eliana.

"Hi Rex, come here handsome boy!" Eliana babbles holding her hand out for him. Falling to her whim he moves closer brushing his head against her hand. "I'll go," she whispers against my chest. "But I need a toothbrush."


After slipping on clothes and brushing our teeth Eliana and I head out with Rex on the leash. This feels domestic in a sense and yet I can't explain the way I'm enjoying it.

"So what did you do yesterday?" I ask Eliana once we've been seated and ordered our drinks.

She scoffs and picks up a bread roll, but goes along with it nevertheless. "Well I went to work. Then after I met my friends, the ones that hired you three years ago. We met at a bar and Emma is getting married and knowing her it will probably be in December or January. I would not be surprised if she had her wedding New Year's Eve."

Through her recounting she doesn't realize how I've taken her hand in mine. She's impossibly hard to resist. Truth is I was actually curious about what she did with her friends. Now I know two of them got drunk while her and Trish remained sober because she had to drive. Eliana even let it slip that her friends don't like Jacob either.

Once the food arrives we eat and engage in an easy conversation. She let me order again and I'm officially convinced she likes when I do it now.

"Rex, is your buddy annoying." Eliana plays with Rex as I pay the bill.

The food was delicious like always and the conversation with Eliana was delightful. I sound like a middle aged woman and I blame it on Eliana messing up my brain cells.

"Tell me something embarrassing about you that you've never told anyone," she pulls me out of my thoughts, taking my hand and pulling me and Rex along.
I'm not doing that, unless she reciprocates. "I go, you go."

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