21 ~ Wesley

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"I threw up," she whispers softly.

I can't help but laugh as I pick up a wash cloth and wet it in the sink before sitting down in front of her. With the wet cloth I wipe her mouth.

"You're such a lightweight," I tease.

My teasing earns me a shove and a very adorable pout. But I can see the fear in her eyes as water collects in them. "I could have alcohol poisoning."

Sighing I grab her waist and pull her into my lap as I lean against the bathtub. "You're cute."

"I'm serious I could be alcohol poisoning."

Laughing I rub my hands up and down her thighs. "I don't think you can be alcohol poisoning but it is Halloween so you can be whatever you want."

A tear slips through and I finally stop my teasing and take her serious. She's actually scared. Which means she's never been drunk like this before. I should've watched over her better.

"Look at me." I grip her chin and lock eyes with her. "Are you having trouble breathing?"

She takes a breath then shakes her head. I have to resist the urge to laugh.

"Are you cold?"


I press my fingers against her pulse and time it. No elevated heart rate, her skin isn't pale and her lips or fingers aren't blue. Pulling on her chin I open her mouth and slip my fingers in causing her to gag. And that was just my finger, but now is not the time to think horny thoughts.

"Do you know who I am, Sweetness?"


"Do you know where you are at?"

"Westie's house."

I laugh and pull her to her feet. "No alcohol poisoning, you're just drunk."

In college I learned these tricks after we had a scare with Ethan. He turned out to only be really drunk but we were told to check for certain symptoms if it happened again.

Severe confusion, slow breathing, increased heart rate, pale skin or blue lips or fingers, and low body temperature were a few. Eliana has none of that. If she just had one of those symptoms we would not still be in the bathroom. But I'll look after her throughout the night to make sure she's okay. I'm not taking any risks with my little lightweight.

"You know where your toothbrush is, I'll set a shirt out on the bed. Come into the living room when you finish."

I send a soft tap to her ass then walk out to the sitting area. That is now all cleaned up. Wow Mackenna and the guys work fast. I was only in there for five minutes. I think.

They've found a movie and Ethan has found the deviled eggs, now we wait for Eliana. Closing my eyes, I wait until I feel someone crawl into my lap, at first I expected it to be Eliana but when I realize the creature on top of me was way too heavy I opened my eyes and immediately shoved Ethan off.

"Has Ethan taken my spot?" Eliana asks taking the seat next to me.

"No one can take your spot," I whisper into her ear pulling her closer.

A soft laugh leaves her lips and I can't help but love everything about her. I slip my hand over her hip and watch the movie with Eliana watching intently next to me and hiding her face in my chest when something pops out.

When the movie is over and Mackenna and Zeke are passed out on the couch with Ethan lying on the floor, I take Eliana and pull her along to the room. Shutting off the lights I climb into bed with Eliana who immediately slides into my arms. Yeah the movie definitely scared her.

Holding her tightly I wait until she falls asleep before falling asleep myself. If I didn't I knew she wouldn't be able to get any rest.

The next morning was as I predicted, Eliana woke with a hangover and I made sure she had ibuprofen and a hearty breakfast with coffee. Eventually she began to feel better so most of the day she helped me deep clean my home and take Rex for a walk then we went out for lunch at a restaurant by my house.

The rest of the day we spent on the couch playing with Rex and binge watching Mr. Robot. It was domestic and I strangely enjoyed it.

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