86. still with you

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Her pledged quick shower took a total of ten minutes, including her five-minute change in his bathroom right after she got out and dried herself off.

Fifteen minutes wasn't too bad.

Normally she would be stationary for a solid six minutes, simply standing under the running water, allowing her tabulated thoughts to inherit her mind.

Doing that in a shower that wasn't hers didn't seem too fitting, especially when Jungkook was waiting for his turn.

The condensation on the mirror slowly reduced, turning the vent on to help rid of the moisture in the air, clearing out the stuffy ambiance before allowing Jungkook to use his bathroom.

Devora traced out of there, closing the door behind her and continuing her stride down the hallway, reaching for Jungkook's bedroom.

Her goal was to get a fulfilling rest, to try and sleep in a bed that wasn't hers.

She switched the light off, shut the door, and finally got in bed.

Devora sighed in relief, her heartbeat slightly picked up in speed after all the moving around she did.

There was a window above his desk area, with the blinds almost turned shut, the angle it rested at allowed the brilliant stars to keep the room just barely illuminated.

The shadow of the whistling trees were shaded above the two closest doors, putting her in a weary trance, watching the branches of leaves billow back and forth with such tranquility.

Devora heard the pelting water turn on, meaning Jungkook was taking his long-awaited shower.

She put the fleece blanket up to her nostrils, taking in the imperceptible scent of detergent, sluiced with a certain smell that was close to the one that emitted off Jungkook.

With the running water that somehow serenaded her ears and the pleasant fragrance of the blankets, she couldn't say for certain when exactly she dozed off.

It had felt as though she slept for a mere five minutes.

There was this spontaneous impulse that poked at her to wake up.

Her eyes shot open, being faced with the dresser pressed up against the wall.

Her right hand was under her head, with her other hand hanging over the edge of the bed.

Instantly, she collected herself, sitting up from the sheets with the blanket sheathing up her shoulders — trying to defy the insensitive cold in the room.

Devora exhaled, dropping the blanket as her hands went up to her eyes, rubbing away the grim exhaustion.

"What time is it?" She mumbled to herself, looking over at her phone that sat on his desk.

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