3: F.I.S.T.

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April 6th 2022
Brussels Belgium
11:22 AM

John Blackburn is standing before the NATO council in his best suit as he grunts slightly as he's not used to wearing suits but this is definitely the time to do. The US NATO ambassador Kate Donnelly, a woman who's seen more than her share of conflict over the years and many of them have been with John himself.

Kate: "Agent Blackburn, I understand you were part of Operation Burning Sword... The Operation where many Delta Force and Maroon Berets lost their lives."

John: "I was part of the planning process but I didn't necessarily lead it, that was General Strong's role." He replies as the UK NATO ambassador Gregor Smith speaks up.

Gregor: "the raid team reported finding White phosphorus, which was in the burning of Big Ben yesterday, I understand you managed to capture one of the terrorists?" He asks as John nods.

John: "yes sir, we've identified him as Andrew Cormac, former US Army eod but we know there's more to them." He replies as the ambassadors look at each other.

Kate: "we're curious to hear your solution to this problem... These terrorists are hardly upstarts with the attacks on London, DC, and New York from last night." She says as John grabs a file opening it.

John: "these terrorists are highly dangerous, well equipped with special forces training and tactics... They've shown capabilities of being in multiple areas at once, this requires a new group, a group internationally made of operators across the world." He says as the ambassadors look amongst themselves.

Gregor: "I appreciate the unorthodox thinking lad but what you're proposing is a massive undertaking... Who would even lead this group?" He asks as John clears his throat.

John: "I would, I have many years of experience making sure ops play nice." As the Belgian NATO ambassador Paul Peeters speaks up.

Paul: "this sort of group would have to be top secret with creditable deniability." He points out as John understands this.

John: "that's the plan ambassador, but I ask that this group be listed as Black Ops... If this team is to succeed then they need to be able to bend the rules when necessary." He requests as the Japanese NATO ambassador Kenta Kobayashi gets his attention.

Kenta: "do you believe you're capable of keeping all these operators in check?" He asks as John nods believing he can. "What do you need?"

John: "the best, specializing in Counter-Terrorism and a variety of skills... I'll discuss the details with you in private." As the Japanese, UK, and US ambassadors agree to this.

Paul: "I think I speak for the other ambassadors when I say... This is too risky at the moment but should this find some success, you'll get my support."

John: "of course." He says as the meeting is adjourned as John removes his suit jacket almost immediately but he is approached by Kate.

Kate: "you've certainly caused quite a ruckus in there." She says walking with him.

John: "that a good or bad thing?" He asks as Kate chuckles somewhat.

Kate: "Depends on who you ask." She says as they find some privacy. "But who do you want?" She says as John looks through his files.

John: "the usual, Delta Force, Green Berets, Navy Seals and CIA." He says handing five files to her.

Kate: "Obertyner?" She asks in surprise as John removes his tie.

John: "excellent leader, I plan on him leading ground teams... Plus he insisted." He says as Kate continues looking through the files.

Kate: "Erik Stone, Ivelisse Hernandez, Leonard King, and Owen Copeland... Hmph, I'm surprised there aren't any jarheads on here given your history." She says as John crosses his arms hearing this.

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