17: Old Friend

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May 9th 2022
Chièvres Air Base
7:21 AM

Leonard is walking the halls somewhat exhausted having just woke up but he was called to report in for a debriefing. He arrives to see most of the original team that he was with last time minus Ivelisse and sees Owen standing with John.

John: "There you are Leo, now we can get started." He says while motioning for Owen to take it away.

Owen: "Good news Obertyner, thanks to the tracking device you placed on the white phosphorus back in Rize? A team of Sayeret Matkhal operators managed to intercept a convoy and take the white phosphorus."

Michael: "That's good to hear but why are we having this meeting?"

John: "The Israelis are preparing to transport the white phosphorus back to the US but I want you and your team to be there to act as security... I doubt these Black Dogs are gonna give this up that easily."

Michael is silent as Fuyuko can tell something's bothering him and has a good idea of what it could be.

Michael: "We'll get it done sir."

John: "Good but you'll also be meeting with four Israeli ops who will be joining us, get your gear settled, you'll be leaving in an hour with Owen." He says as they all acknowledge this.

Owen leaves with the team and hands them each a file containing the dossiers of the Israeli ops that'll be joining them.

Erik: "Hey Leo, looks like your girlfriend will be joining us." He teases as Leonard gives him a blank but annoyed stare.

Michael ignores the banter with his eyes laid on a particular name he actually recognizes.

Michael: "Eitan Friedman." He mutters to himself as Fuyuko looks in concern but isn't gonna bother him at this very moment.

The team gets their gear settled and head outside to see Blake there conversing with a female pilot of color.

Erik: "Who's your friend here?"

Blake: "Helena Lawson of the US Nightstalkers, my copilot if you will." He replies not sounding too thrilled about this.

Helena: "Oh stop pouting Blake, you need two to fly this goddamn behemoth anyway."

Blake: "Yeah whatever." He says getting inside as Erik looks at Helena with confusion.

Erik: "There something between you two?"

Helena: "Hm oh that? Blake is just throwing a hissy fit cause I don't let him turn on music while we're working... It's nothing serious." She replies doing a last minute check-up on the cargo plane.

Erik: "Well... Nice to see another colored person here, I was beginning to get lonely." He says jokingly as Helena looks over.

Helena: "I didn't realize quiet professionals got lonely." She retorts giving a slight smile as Erik looks at the cargo plane and decides to share something personal to him.

Erik: "You know my great great grandfather was actually a red tail pilot during World War two." He shares getting Helena's attention.

Helena: "Really? Then you must know a thing or two about planes."

Erik: "I certainly know they're only as good as the pilot flying them." He retorts which certainly flatters Helena.

Helena: "Why thank you, that's... Sweet of you." She says in appreciation as Erik nods and enters the cargo plane sitting next to Leonard.

Fuyuko is sitting next to Michael who's been silent ever since getting their gear together. Fuyuko touches his hand as he looks over.

Fuyuko: "You okay?"

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