38: A Night In Puebla

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June 11th 2022
Tuxtla Gutiérrez Covert Base
11:23 AM

The team are currently gathered going over the information Mendoza shared with them. Erik is seated while casually twirling a pencil.

Erik: "This is not gonna easy, getting a woman like Adriana out of a club like this? This will get messy if we're not careful."

Taina: "Isolating Adriana from her security detail will be vital in this operation going well and we'll need multiple eyes on the inside."

Owen: "I can handle that, I have plenty of experience in clubs." He states with a smile.

Taina: "I figured but I'd have to multiple eyes, so Ivelisse, Lyra and Leo will be joining you."

The four exchange glances as Ivelisse doesn't look thrilled but keeps it to herself.

Armando: "Stone and I will handle arranging a getaway vehicle, the rest should serve as guards in case the cartel come running."

Taina nods in agreement and tells everyone to use today to prepare but is pulled to the side by Ivelisse.

Ivelisse (Spanish): "Do I have to where a dress?"

Taina raises her brow hearing this.

Taina (Spanish): "I mean you don't have to but you'll blend in better if you do, what's wrong with wearing a dress?"

Ivelisse (Spanish): "A dress... Shows off ones self and I don't like showing off myself in that kind of fashion."

Taina is even more confused proceeding to look Ivelisse up and down.

Taina (Spanish): "Sister while it's nice to be humble, don't be afraid to show off every now and again, you got nothing to be insecure about." She says kindly and gets an idea. "You two come with me, I'll help ya look nice."

Meanwhile Mustafa, Ebenezer and Matías are getting their gear settled.

Matías: "So Mustafa I hear you're a father, what's that like?"

Mustafa: "One of the best things in my life, my girls mean the world to me along with my wife." He replies fondly.

Matías: "I see, any advice who may or may not be wanting to be a dad?"

Mustafa raises his brow hearing this while Ebenezer is ignoring this checking his magazines.

Mustafa: "Well firstly you gotta be sure the woman you're with wants the same and overall would be a good parent and also? Be patient, you're gonna make mistakes and your kids will make you frustrated at some points."

Matías nods hearing the advice as Ebenezer decides to speak up.

Ebenezer: "Also get a different job, military and parenthood do not mix well." He says rather harshly while leaving.

Mustafa excuses himself and catches up with Eben who looks back.

Mustafa: "Something happened to your family, didn't it?"

Ebenezer suddenly grabs him by his collar and pushes him against a car.

Ebenezer: "You're a good guy Mustafa but you need to learn to not overstep your boundaries." He warns calmly while leaving.

*Next day.*

Leonard and Owen are sitting outside a hotel in Puebla waiting for Lyra and Ivelisse to arrive. Owen glances at Leonard noticing his nervousness.

Owen: "What is the idea of your crush in a dress making you all flustered?" He asks teasingly.

Leonard glares at Owen but reluctantly nods.

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