18: Assault on Transport

46 8 0

May 10th 2022
Western Israel
8:38 AM

In the air base, Michael is walking down the side of the runway with his M4A1 in hand.

Michael: "Director this is Obertyner how copy?" He asks in his com.

John: "I read you Obertyner, how are things in Israel?" He responds while walking in his office.

Michael sees some Sayeret Matkhal operators jog past him.

Michael: "Fine, we're prepping to load the up white phosphorus now... No problems so far, I'll get back to you once it's over." He says as John acknowledges this letting him go.

Michael eventually runs into the Sayeret Matkhal operator Lyra Cohen who's talking with Leonard. Leonard notices Michael and decides to introduce the two.

Leonard: "Michael Obertyner, this is Lyra Cohen, the Sayeret Matkhal operator I mentioned." Leo states.

Lyra looks at Leo with amusement and a smirk.

Lyra: "Aw you talk about me, I'm flattered." She teases earning a sigh from Leo.

Michael finds this amusing and offers his hand to Lyra.

Michael: "Pleased to meet you Cohen, Sayeret Matkhal is no joke, you must be damn good at your job." He states with respect.

Lyra shakes hands with Michael while nodding in acknowledgement.

Lyra: "A bit of an exaggeration to be honest, it's good to meet you though." Replying as the three walk together.

They keep this going till they arrive at the cargo plane that'll be transporting the white phosphorus. They find Owen talking with Gabrielle Ohayon who seems to be indifferent to the conversation.

Gabrielle: "Ah Lyra, these two giving you trouble like CIA here is doing with me?" She asks with attitude.

Lyra chuckles hearing this and sees Owen shake his head.

Lyra: "I'm fine Gabi, you can relax." She assures.

Owen: "From what I've seen? She does anything but relax." He chimes in holding his P90 rather casually but downwards.

Gabrielle turns to look at Owen giving him a harsh glare.

Gabrielle: "Yes, so you best watch your mouth CIA." She replies as Lyra gently takes her arm and pulls her away before something bad happens.

Michael shakes his head glancing at Owen.

Michael: "You're clearly getting along with the Israelis." He says rather annoyed by this.

Owen: "Huh like you and that Eitan fellow?" He retorts.

Michael stares at Owen annoyed by the retort though he's not exactly wrong.

Leonard: "Can we get back on track please?" He politely asks trying to divide the tension between them.

Owen gives Michael a stare which confuses.

Owen: "Sure thing Queens." He says walking away.

Meanwhile at the cargo plane, Erik is overseeing the white phosphorus being transported into the plane with Fuyuko at his side.

Erik: "That's it nice and easy." He says with the Israelis putting the cargo in and begin strapping it down to the plane as Brody is helping them.

Fuyuko looks around seeing Benjamin of the Shaldag Unit approach.

Benjamin: "How she looking?" He asks holding a modified M14.

Fuyuko: "We're loading her in now, should be in the air within the next ten minutes." She replies as Eitan arrives carrying an M4A1. "Any intruders?"

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