30: Prepping for Mexico

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June 4th 2022
Chièvres Air Base Belgium
3:34 PM

John is currently looking over Louis' report that contains of the Intel he got from Augustine.

John: "Aegis Dynamics? They're currently bidding to make the next generation of military vehicles for the US." He says as Louis is leaning against a wall while reading a book.

Louis: "lines up given the dogs were an American PMC originally... Think they're worth looking into?"

John: "maybe but I wouldn't expect anything too scandalous."

Louis: "Shame, I love discovering scandals... Shall I leave for America?"

John: "When you're ready, you're welcome to bring someone with ya." He offers.

Louis nods appreciating the offer and jokes about how he'd pick Simon but he doesn't think his face needs another makeover. This makes John chuckle quietly.

Louis: "But any other operations going on?"

John: "Well Gabi and Serena are looking into the Italian NATO Ambassador, Claire and Ren just finished up some humanitarian work in Cambodia, I've been talking with the Canadian, German and even Irish ambassadors."

Louis: "Irish eh? Unintentionally got into a bar fight with an Irish guy once."

John: "What you'd do make fun of the fact Northern Ireland is a thing?"

Louis: "Nah I just whooped him in a game of cards and in turn got a lot of money."

John raises his brow hearing this.

John: "You're a gambler?"

Louis: "Of the sort, card games and clandestine work actually have a lot in common."

John acknowledges this when Owen arrives with Louis deciding to take his leave.

Owen: "Getting along with pokerface?"

John: "He's a weird but entertaining fellow, you need something?" He asks with Owen setting down a file on his desk.

John looks at Owen curiously who asks him to humor him. John sits down and looks over the file which he realizes is a dossier.

John: "Dallas Walker, former Delta Force, blacklisted... He's one of the dogs?"

Owen: "A heavy hitter from the looks of it, he was there during Burning Sword... Sir I... He and I have a history of sorts." He says with his hands behind his back.

John looks up curiously.

John: "You're worried, that's a first."

Owen: "He and I served in the 75th Army Rangers together, we were both imprisoned in Libya... Prior to that? We were great friends and I trusted him... Once we got to Libya, Dallas changed."

John: "How so?"

Owen: "He went crazy, killed anyone who got in his way... The Black Dogs saved us from that prison in 2019."

This makes John stiffen up hearing this.

John: "Why didn't you say anything prior?"

Owen: "What was I supposed to say? Them saving me from prison isn't exactly information that would be beneficial."

John: "Cause you could recognize someone, or someone in the Black Dogs could recognize you for god's sake... That puts this team in a complicated position." He says sounding furious.

Owen however isn't intimidated as he's faced John's wrath before.

Owen: "They won't recognize me."

John: "I hope not... Regardless I'm sending you and specialist Hernandez to Mexico, you'll have a team and everything."

Owen: "Why are you sending us to Mexico?"

John: "Cause you two were looking into Los condenados and F.I.S.T. isn't just dedicated to fighting the Black Dogs."

Owen nods thanking John for the assignment.

John: "And you'll be working closely with Mexican Special Forces and intelligence." He states with Owen nodding and taking his leave to inform.

After that, Owen heads to the armory grabbing his P90 and hand gun while pulling back on the racking seeing that's it clean.

Leonard: "So mind telling us why we're headed to Mexico?" He asks while holding his M4A1 with his arms crossed while Lyra, Erik, Mustafa, and Ebenezer are getting their gear together.

Owen: "Got actionable Intel on a member of the Los condenados, may as well act on it Queens."

Leonard: "Why not give it to Mexican Special Forces? That's quite literally up their alley." He asks curiously as the others can't but agree with this.

Owen: "Not like we're leaving them in the dark Queens, we'll be working with them after all."

Leonard accepts this answer as he leaves with Lyra. Owen sees Ivelisse approaching while holding onto her vest.

Ivelisse: "You withheld why we're doing this."

Owen: "Not my place to tell them why, that's up to you since it's personal to you." He replies simply and looks down at her.

Ivelisse: "Fair enough, thanks Owen."

Owen: "Don't mention it." He says walking with her and the rest of the team.

Mustafa is looking over a picture of his wife and young son which doesn't unnoticed by Eben.

Ebenezer: "Seems like a happy family."

Mustafa: "We try to make the most of it, what about you? You got any family?"

Ebenezer looks away hearing this uncomfortable topic.

Ebenezer: "Not anymore... Not ever again." He replies somewhat sternly and walks ahead as Mustafa raises his brow to Erik who shrugs.

The team makes it outside to see Blake finishing up prepping the plane.

Owen: "She ready to fly?"

Blake: "More than ready, get your asses strapped in boys... And ladies." He says entering the plane.

Lyra and Ivelisse stare at each other while shaking their heads. The team enters the plane but John rushes up to Owen with some files in hand.

John: "Here are the files of the Mexican ops you'll be working with, figured you'd prefer to know who you're working with." He says with Owen nodding as John leaves which allows for Blake to take off.

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